The Reason Why Covid is hear Part 3

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The Reason Why Covid is hear is well they say it's normal now but it's not it's in human it's teaching us how to hate instead of love the distancing isn't working it's causing us to separate further away from one another causing us to not like family members and friends but on the net it's keeping us apart tearing us apart for a reasons with it's Covid Propaganda but people don't see the Meme's in their sentence and keep recording anything about it and studying it and like anyone try's to say that Covid isn't a Man made Disaster well it is by our Government that try's to lie to our faces try to force us to vote and try's to push us away from the truth that people try to evade for long day's.

they probably still want control of our lives control of our fate control of our death witch will never happen as this man made disaster is never normal is never something to ignore but ho know's what they do to lie to us we see through the lie's through the nightmare that keeps on going further and further but like I said we need to defend our selfs we are the people that will stand up we are our own government but our original government is just using our houses as suply depots to help them keep on growing the hate and the Arabian people are not to blame the east Indians are not to blame but the North Korian's are to blame cause they only follow one man that they think is a god one man that is fraud one man that could end every country with multi Nuke that replaced everything and is proof that he commanded to release the Covid infection to spread by animal at first than it started a chain reaction.

We are our own Dominion we are the higher ups the people are the higher ups you are your mother your father your brother your sister your uncle your auntie your cousins your knees your nefiews and your friends are the Higher ups we continue to go further out to spread our word we continue to struggle to keep going we struggle to try our best to stay distance but it isn't working cause I see it I see some of the fringe towns not listening to rules cause they don't obey the rules of the life game they ignore it but they complain about it cause it's the fault of Trudo it's the fault of trump and they know it two people are to blame and this still remain the reminder that this Covid is a weapon as it is marked similar to a Meme and the Media.

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