The Reason Why Covid is hear part 4

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The Reason Why Covid is hear is because it's man made... it's so obvious why they would continue to lie to us to keep us on a chain to keep on going further and further to suffer to show the example this biological weapon was made by North Koria as it was a weapon they kept for some time and to release it to the world and on testing it out to spread air born in seceret until it becomes blood transmission to infect one after another cause our government, Our Presidents, our Primire's continue to lie to us to refuse to tell the truth to help our it's own people and it's larger city's are under attack as town's are less under attack cause we learn.

Our Government is to blame, our Presidents are to blame, our Premiers are to blame cause it's a perfect time to panic cause it's a perfect time to act cause the plan should have been this from the start just put up tiki torches, bond fires at water fronts to warm up the air to burn away this Covid like if it was a bacteria like the common cold cause it's easy to push back and after wards build solar panels for everyone's house to keep energy flowing, Wind generators to also help build power as well and an energy storage device to help keep it up and running and to never stop generating energy to keep buildings and more up miniaturize everything to build a small factory to help construct research products and to help new kind of research into a cure to help us move on new research to help others stay alive and chances of it discovering the cure for many terminal disseises and more such as Aids and Diabetes.

we continue to help one another any way but we must learn that social distancing isn't helping it just teaches people to continue the hate like the KKK still learning how to hate further cause we got nothing to do also the people that still smoke that needs to be gone cause their must not be allowed smoking, Vaping or Weed as they call it Cannabis witch must be removed from the face of the earth as corruption would be removed as well and remember I've put up a song to show you the errors of your ways as it will cause you to imagen your self wandering and everything taken away from you as it was lost in an endless desert for no idea returns and your positivity was also taken from you.

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