The Reason why we never had a fair hearing

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We have never been heard in a long time our words mean nothing to the one's that don't listen and heed our warning and why Justin Trudeau would still tell us to shut up and why he keep's making the rich keep having more money is he just want's to toy with us like we were nothing to him and to our bosses and thinking we are his piggy banks but we tell him we are not his piggy banks we don't hold the penny any more he made our money out of balance he made our life's off of balance he try's feed us Cannabis thinking he can control us this way and why he keeps on making us suffer for his actions but we still must stand together against the menace known as Trudeau cause he is just a suck up for Donald Trump a.k.a. Donald Duck cause that's his name from now on end till Trump has been kicked off the white house chair until a fair president come's in to mind and unite the nations properly instead or better yet we need a King or an emperor to take the stand a kind King or a Kind Emperor to mind.

This day we know their shall be the chance of a life time to someday kick Trudeau off the chair and replace the Premier with a president instead so we don't have to deal with this nonsense we call progress or you know what it's time to turn our town halls to town keeps so we don't have to keep an eye on the nonsense of Votes when we should require lords instead the time is now to overthrow the government and take arms to Lords instead to protect us before one of em is bound to become kings of our country of Canada.

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