The Reason why government should not be in charge of the covid cure.

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The Reason why Government should not be in charge of the covid cure is they would give the cure for the rich but not the others that should retrieve the cure and help the world instead of just our own cause we need the cure to become air born to release and let others know that the protester scum continues to become entertainment for the rich people that prevent us from being safe and for the criticizers we will have no choice but to put our foot down due to them saying it's best to keep a mask off when it's important to put on a mask when going out from home and give reminder to the others to keep their mask on.

in other Reasons the Cure belongs to everyone so start to think of a way to make it air born so it would take it's time to remove the virus through air and to build up the immunity without the feel of pain and to let others know everyone should know that they should wear a mask and I don't care if you have medical condition you might spread it cause you could be a carrier for all I know so just wear a mask and protect the ones you love and protect your friends from your self if you got covid.

so to anyone on wattpad just read this and try to understand no half masking and no antimasking cause you may spread the virus and get them sick and to teachers try to keep the students from talking to one another and to being to close but if you have to just close down the school due to covid and go by computer and laptop.

and to the anti masker Scum... put the masks on and stop complaining cause you may think of a stupid lie about a sickness or condition cause I don't care... just use a mask at all times and protect friends or family and keep six feet away from any family or friends so you don't get them sick.

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