The Reason why Covid is hear Part 2

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The reason why the rules are in effect but these are no ordinary affect but these are the affects that can cause Riots and let me explain on what Riots are they cause Destruction to Property, Violence, and it can make it to the peak to break Riot Controls to the end and soon it would get more tough even further and further on breaking more rules to destroy more things such as stores, shops and looting as well while their would be no national guard that would make people destroy things they see until every shop is empty.

as we wash our hands cover it in Hand sanitizer and more but in other words it makes it to the point were people don't care for social distancing and other safety rules as well and hope to luck we don't start Riots but instead ho am I kidding I would go Crazy with the other people that want to cause the Riot to as it feel's like Pink Floyd the wall when the Trial start and it keeps on growing further and further.

Their are chances of a Riot would break out if they go to far if all stores all closed and would get more difficult to slow the spread when they should think on using new methods on slowing it down such as Devils club tea or any other method to try slow it and new chances on slowing it down by using hand sanitizer to cover the hole body instead of just the hands also to keep washing dishes to prevent food from being contaminated how ever even though my mind is going crazy all ready it would mean the same go's for other people to go more insane due to this pandemic over load and panic so be ready when the Riot starts.

though for Justin Trudo you reap what you sew and may god and the Devil have mercy on your soul cause bad luck comes to your home town and they hunger for politics and would not consume your sins but you as well as we will keep on fighting this Pandemic on our own methods means necessary so go ahead try to put chains on us cause we will break out from them and we will make a heck of a chance of victory especially when you show us to say the youth are not invincible but they are cause they learn survival more better than you ever be.

Welcome to our Land of Confusion cause we will fight and rebel against all Politics that try ruin the only chances on making our towns, our city's and our villages a living hell as it would always torture us but in return were not trapped in with you your trapped in with us cause we are able to push back propaganda and we are able to fight as many military as possible and turn their own weapons against them and may your shield of sins try to protect you cause we will continue to break them down to.

to others stay strong stay surviving and stay cool we will always make it through many surviving but most of all no smoking, no drinking no cannabis, no vape cause it would make you into a propaganda troll taking over art sights over games and more making it no fun for others that don't want to be like that cause that's not the real path of a gamer but the real path is becoming the path of a hero and not a villain that you take and remember you only let government and business take over you only if you let them cause some things are just worth fighting for.

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