The Reason why we no need for officers

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The Reason why Cops keep on doing the same thing cause they want to harass people for everything and wanting to arrest people for judging others for what they do as an employee was aressted for dressing up as a Storm Trooper for a themed restaurant and why the officer doesn't like Starwars and why the officer was lecturing and Criticizing her for it but in the end I think the officer was trash and should not be able to work but we are better off policing our own stuff instead of them wanting to take our money as we demand and command for those comments on why they did it and the truth for it but instead they feed us their pardon my French Bull shit.

they know better they are just acting like Confedorate Scum when they tread into Dominion Territory as we only need of Emperor and no need for President like Trump as he is a remaining bad example and letting other people that police us to do violence as his soul is hate but he will drink the wrath of the many angry people and we will rise up and show we no need for officers trying to push us around as these are our City's our towns our homes not the Police, not the feds but only for the people like you like me like your brothers, sisters, best friends your big family of a life time so time to rise up against these trouble makers called officers as they show smiles of greed wanting the next pay day as they mock us behind our backs and we will not stop until we have smiles of joy and piece instead of smile of greed from officers as we will wipe it off their face someday.

you no need for a Premier or a president but you are need of an Emperor a kind Emperor an Emperore that fights beside you as you fight beside him as well as he will say his only throne is being with you and to defend you showing we are all equal and not filled with hate and we will fight Covid with fire so use torches use bond fires warm the air up, use Lemon water as a street cleaner and to fight the Covid and the officer menace that plagues us all.

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