The Reason why Expense and greed grows.

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the world.

the world still continues to not pay attention to the real deal stuff as the Leaders continues to keep raising the Prices as well cause how are we able to still continue with our life if they keep growing more and more without stuff as well but due to the past Covid stuff it made it to much to buy stuff and more expensive as we start to have none and find more stuff cause the one time at a fancon trip their are many towns running out of good spots as well and their are some that show evidence of a Mallpocolypse nearing to Mall-extinction witch is nearing the major problems for every town.

Fringe towns are now going to be out of business and it even happens at spots with false advertisements as well their are many as well due to price raise as well but in Prince Rupert their are vacant area's as well as it use to have good restaurants as it use to have.

Old area's List:

Chicken Factory.
Video & Update.
Movie Gallery.
Hollywood Video.
Green Apple.
Neptune inn.
Dollar store.
Bargen shop.
Sun Rise.
Dairy Queen.

and more.

cause all of these are the best stuff but than those are gone.

even others tried to even bring back old school game shops but those just disappear right off the bat due to... Rivalry greed's as well and well some buildings had been hit by fire's and now plus the big problem is corruption as well such as Cigarettes, Vape pens and Cannabis witch is need to be removed so shows chances of cleaning the nose of the town cause the request for the town is needing more help as the Hospitals have chances of it being empty and needing more Doctors instead of nurses as their is to many nurses and not enough doctors and the doctors need to help Prince Rupert to keep it going as well so the town needs more help and re-construction to repair many things that were lost to re-fix in it's future.

so how long dose many towns Disappear one by one and how do they loose their privileges to vote as well and now needing more help more than ever cause Prince Rupert may need more help as well before needing more help to try re-fix many buildings as well so others have a chance to keep going and need's more funding as well to keep up but the big bummer is their is no Carnival as well or Circus visits as well cause they also need more support so to others it's time to stop this Greed war and help each other out not only just Prince Rupert but possibly more of British Columbia in Canada as they need more support for a last chance to keep going more and to keep on surviving as well.

so think about it why would Greed from many things keep on growing.

why would thief's keep on stealing things just to try sell things online.

why do others try to keep on doing the same stealing game continuing without stop.

enough is enough.

so to the world help support Canada... the Unity Citadel of the world & new world Council.

(also heads up if you have anything's you like to also see your reason why to show as well feel free to leave a comment and we will see if it can be put up as well on to see what's your reason why something you wanted to show)

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