The Reason Why Bioshock might be right Part 2

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First part is a man Dedicated to the sweat of his brow... cause how many of you think so and how many of you think not cause think about it... a game character by the name of Andrew Rian asks so and you'd have to think it over on that part... how hard of you heard how great your home made art is but question is why dose the Artist gets censored due to age rates cause I'm shore it's good and all to do so but why not let other artists explore this cause we even learn it at class at some point and we look it up while growing up cause this situation still keeps on going why not.

why do you feel left out or they try to take over your stuff and pervert it into another empty husk of things and exploit what you have made cause if you made it... government wants it along with others that try to discard art and make it into something useless cause think about it... why would you want to sit around and do nothing while others get the glory of what you just made... I'll tell you why... cause it's WRONG!!!

cause the Majority is pretty much calling itself as Artist but when in fact they are just Art Thieves, Censors and more cause they thing it's to Exploitation and why it's wrong to show it on either a screen or in public cause we know better than to Censor things even others know about this through many things

through great inventions to Masterpieces now part of the Impossible that became possible.

through the epic art to the point on causing inspiration to flow like a beautiful river and with lots of story's made from said art if asked.

through greater story's that will become published if it became with Horror, Adventure, Fantasy and more to build.

think of all the Impossible becoming possible

so I ask you again and Andrew would ask you again.

is a man Dedicated to the verry sweat of his brow.

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