What If - Chapter 1

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Finally, a break time. As she goes back to her seat leaning on her chair having no energy left and lets out a big sigh. She reaches for her phone. As she gets and checks she sees 10 missed calls from Eunwoo.

She wasn't able to check on her phone the whole day as she was too busy with meetings for an upcoming Presentation

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She wasn't able to check on her phone the whole day as she was too busy with meetings for an upcoming Presentation.

She unlocks it and checks the messages from him.

Text messages from Eunwoo:

"Sejeong, answer your phone!"

"Sejeong, answer your phone!"

"Sejeong, answer your phone!"

"So now you're not talking to me?"

"Just because I missed calling you back yesterday?"

She can feel her stress levels rising. She has no energy left for this. All she wants is to take some rest and eat.

Sejeong replies:
"First of all, I was busy. Didn't I told you last time that everything is hectic now because of an upcoming presentation?"

"You know how important this is for me. Or you must've forgotten again?"

"Second, I am not mad at you not calling back at me yesterday. I am upset that you forgot again about our dinner that was planned weeks ago, I'd understand if you told me ahead I was there waiting for you and I kept on calling and messaging you just to find out on Rocky's Instagram post that you guys were hanging out."

Eunwoo replies:
"I'm sorry okay. You know how I can't say no to these guys."

"Let's meet up today! Let's talk!"

She rolls her eyes. "UGH! Seriously, the audacity in him. Sometimes I just wanna smack the hell out of him."

Sejeong replied:
"Oh, the loyalty. So you can't say no to them. But you can just easily disregard our plans."

Sejeong can feel that she's reaching her limits again and as always the only thing she could think of is that she needs a cool-off. That's how the bought of them have been in the relationship it's either Eunwoo calls it off or her.

"Sorry, but I don't wanna talk with you right now, you should've chosen a better reply than this. I don't need another stress during this upcoming presentation. I need a cool-off."


"Kim Sejeong!!"

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