What If - Chapter 17

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I sigh gripping the back of my neck looking at the photo of me and Sejeong that night that Wendy sent me a few days ago, bringing me back to what happened at the end of the night. 

How she took my breath the moment I saw her, how I wasn't able to take my eyes off of her, how I sneak a glance at her every moment even when I was talking to someone else, how my hand fits perfectly in her hands, waist, in her arms how her body reacts to my touches as if it's just a natural thing between us on how we seek each other's warmth.

Chanyeol clears his throat getting my attention. 

"So, what happened?" Chanyeol asks regarding the gala event. I told him every detail how we were enjoying the night until an unexpected guest came, making us leave well more like me almost dragging Sejeong out and what happened at the end of the night.

He shrugs"Much to my surprise it took that long for the both of you to finally see that there's more than being friends between the two of you," Chanyeol said grinning as he continued. "But that's it? Did you talk to her after about what happened?" Chanyeol asks his voice getting serious to my surprise.

I remained silent having nothing to say. "Well, I'd take that as a no. But you know someone has to bring that up either it was you or her, but from what you said I think Sejeong would more likely avoid this and you know how she is with these confrontations."

I let a heavy sigh knowing I should take an initiative, well it's more of because of me I'm the one who dives in first at the moment. 

"I know, I just don't how I should start how should I approach her without making things awkward –"

"I think it's already is." Chanyeol butts in. I roll my eyes but nods after knowing he's right. 

"I don't know Sejeong well enough as you and Wendy do, but I think she must be anxious and afraid you know well enough what happened with her and Eunwoo. I know you're not anything like Eunwoo is but jumping from being such good friends then crossing the line of being more than that, she'll inevitably close up." 

I ran my hand through my hair roughly, nodding in agreement. Knowing how oddly similar the situation feels the same. Except that I know I would never and wouldn't hurt Sejeong if she gives me a chance to. Annoyance and anger seep into my skin remembering how broken she looked that night, how her eyes that glows brightly turned into a dark storm. How I promised myself that I would never want to see her smile leave that beautiful face again.

"But I felt it Yeol, I know it wasn't just me that's in the moment I saw it in her eyes. It's not like we were drunk as per her excuse for stopping, in that moment we are sober it was this close," I motioned with my forefinger and thumb.

I continued "And I saw how she didn't want to let go she was struggling to control herself, but eventually she did let go." Disappointment laced in my tone.

Thinking back we were both on a high with each other and funny how it is that I laugh about how those dramas portray how the times suddenly slows down, but at that moment it felt like the time slowed down, but as if someone clicked the stop button she slowly let go from me.

"Damn Yeol, I didn't even felt this with Irene in all those years but with Sejeong it just felt so natural. Shit, what would I do now dude?" I glance up to Chanyeol his knowing eyes meeting mine as he places his hand on his chin.

"We are meeting at my place on Friday night right?"

I shifted in my seat anxiously remembering. "Dude chill, I think that would be fine it might be less awkward with me and Wendy present, just to build the moment then we can give you both the time to talk we'll come up with an excuse to leave you two." Chanyeol smiles widely, proud of his own idea.

"Thanks, Yeol I think that would be better than asking to meet her somewhere else or going straight to her house." I nodded, leaning back to my chair thinking already of how and what I should say to her on that day, hoping that everything would end up smoothly.

I just want her to know what I feel towards her, that I can wait until she's ready to let me in.

Everyone is playing a game of hiding their feelings or hiding from their feelings.                        - poetspecial

**Cover image credit to the rightful owner

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