What If - Chapter 8

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I was at Wendy's house helping her plan out and look for a good space for her and Chanyeol's lot hunting as they have been planning to build their own space for their business.

Wendy and I have the same architectural background but after graduation instead of studying for the bar exam, she chose to take event planning seminars and short interior design courses instead and with that Chanyeol proposed to Wendy if they could just come up with their own business instead of working under a company; with Chanyeol's background in business management.

Chanyeol is just not the type of wanting to be under any boss it's just how he was raised I guess, as his parents both have their own respective businesses. And as a support for these two, I agreed with helping them with the planning for their business place.

As Wendy I go through the prospect and possible locations, I heard my phone ringing non-stop as I pick it up inside my bag, I saw Eunwoo's name on the screen. 

In all honesty, I didn't wanna answer trying to escape the possibility of us arguing again if I pick up this call. 

I stared at the screen weighing if I should answer it or not but at the back of my mind I know I'll answer it anyway and on the third ring Wendy nudges my arm telling me "Pick it up, it's time you two have a talk."  Wendy says.

I slide the screen to answer.

"Hello" He answers his deep voice is bright as ever.

He was asking if I could take some time and go for dinner at their house as Nayoung unnie came from Jeju and went for a visit. 

Nayoung unnie and I got along since the day we first met her she's smart and has this wise and mature mindset she can be serious as ever when needed but also knows how to have fun. 

She can drive Eunwoo out of his wits as well. 

As much as I want to see Nayoung unnie I told Eunwoo that I can't as I am with Wendy now even though I know Wendy would tell me it's fine to leave I just don't think I can talk to him right now, I don't think I can act all cool again like how I usually do.

As the phone call ended, I went back and sit again. Beside me, Wendy is looking at me fishing for some answers in my face.

"What was it? That was such a short call, you didn't ask him if you two could talk, didn't you?" 

Wendys says still looking at me as her face went serious.

I reposition on my seat awkwardly staring at my phone "No, he .... he was just asking me if I could come for dinner at their house. I don't think the timing is right as Nayoung unnie came there to visit."

"Sejeongie"  Her voice softens with worry. Wendy reaches for my hand placing hers over mine, I look back at her pulling a small smile. 

"So, when will be the right time? Don't make this harder for yourself hmmm?" Wendy says.

I nodded "I don't know, I don't know what to say to him. Can we go back to what we were discussing earlier? Please?" 

My eyes pleading and Wendy nods "But please, talk to him sooner."


We got back on locating possible locations and talked about visiting the sites for an ocular check, listing the best locations, and also planning to visit the near areas to check for the foot traffic and to assess how accessible the area is.

"Ugh! Just the planning process gives me a total headache, if you weren't here, I think I'll just stare at the wall the whole time not making any progress." 

Wendy grunts stretching both her arms and back.

"You'd probably bore a hole there, I can imagine Chanyeol's face when if he comes back seeing no progress at all." Sejeong chuckles.

"His eyes that's already big would be even fuller, you know that reaction he always has where his eyes get bigger."  

Wendy snorts. Mimicking Chanyeol. 

They both look at each other and laughs at their dynamics. They called it a day and were just taking some rest. 

When Sejeong's phone lights up at the table as she picks it up, she sees Eunwoo's name again on the screen.

When Sejeong's phone lights up at the table as she picks it up, she sees Eunwoo's name again on the screen

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She sees the message, staring at it. She raises her head and looks at Wendy. 

Wendy raises her brows in confusion. Sejeong raised her phone and passes it to Wendy showing Eunwoo's message.

Wendy gives it back to Sejeong "It's time. Eunwoo doesn't usually initiate I think he knows and realizes now that the both of you need to talk. Go ahead message him back."

Sejeong just stares at her phone screen then she feels Wendy's warm hand on her cold arms "There's nothing bad at being selfish this time around. Just this once please think about yourself." 

Wendy stands from her seat, she pats Sejeong's back and leaves her for a while giving her some space.

After a moment of staring at her phone, going back and forth with her thoughts arguing with her inner self, she finally starts to type and sends her message to Eunwoo. 

"Let's meet we need to talk."

"Stop being so available to someone who is emotionally unavailable. Being emotionally available to someone who isn't is not going to make them magically become more available."

- thefemalewarhol

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