What If - Chapter 13

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The week went by with Sejeong occupied and busy finalizing the client presentation. The half of the second week they had finished all the preparations needed, but one day before the presentation Sejeong just had to look through all the documents double-checking everything feeling jittery.

Immersed in the files and presentation slides, she jumped when she heard the intercom ring. She thought who else would be visiting her at this moment.

Shocked when she looked at the time it was already 10 pm and she didn't even notice that she's been skimming the files for almost three hours now, even forgetting to eat and prepare for dinner.

Instantly, at the thought of dinner, her stomach growled. Then the bell rings again, she stood up looking at the intercom. There stood Sehun and without even knowing she immediately smiles at his presence.

She walks to the door opening it, and she was greeted with a cheeky smile from him holding a bag of food. Seriously, how come he always comes at the right moment? She thought.

And why does he look so cute with that cheeky smile?

Wait! What? Did I just say he looks cute? Gosh, I really must be hungry.

"Hey! Sej to the earth!" Sehun said, bringing me back from a moment of zoning out.

I shake my head at that thought. "Yeah? Oh, come in!" I finally spoke.

Regaining myself I ask "So, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I figured you'd be like a headless chicken going through these papers knowing that tomorrow's the presentation." He answered, wiggling his eyebrows.

I laugh sarcastically. Knowing that I probably looked like one.

"And you haven't eaten yet for sure." He speaks, with that knowing look.

And then my stomach growls back answering for me. As he laughs back at me "Well your stomach just answered me back. Here I brought you something to eat."

I stared at him rolling my eyes "I hate you for knowing me so well!" I said back, biting at my lower lip controlling the smile that was tugging at my lips.

"As much as you say you hate me, I know you also love me as much." He said with a smirk looking at me straight in the eyes.

I can slowly feel my cheeks getting hot at what he just said. Suddenly I see a different look in his eyes, something I've never seen or noticed before, and I can't put into words what was it.

Seriously Kim Sejeong, you really must be hungry because you're getting weird now.

He was still holding his stare and I feel like I was losing air when I realize I was holding my breath without me even knowing, thankfully he finally breaks the eye contact first leaving me behind as he began fixing the food at the table.

I stood confused, catching my breath. Oh god, what was that even?

Breaking the silence he speaks again "Stop standing there and sit. Let's eat!" Motioning for me to sit down.


Oh Sehun, what was that for? I scolded myself. These days I keep losing my senses when I'm with her when I look at her I get lost, captured with those beautiful brown eyes. And just now I was staring at her as if we're having a staring game, and did I just see her cheek flushed?

Looking back at her she was still standing staring at me with a questioning and confused look.

Getting back my own senses I told her to sit so we can eat. Thankfully as soon as I placed the food in front of her, she instantly switched to her eating mode. Her cheeks looking adorable as ever as she eats.

"Is it that good?" I ask smiling at her.

"Uhm hmm" she mumbles with a smile that reaches her eyes, forming her eyes like a half-moon. And god no matter how many times I've seen her smile I'll never get tired of how adorable she is.

I'll fight for that smile. I'm suddenly reminded of the night she had broken down in my arms and I swear I would never let that happen again.


"Hey, chill. Didn't you said everything was already finalized and had been double and triple check a few days ago?" I said looking at how nervous she is.

"I did. I just want to check again one more." Replied the workaholic Sejeong, and just as that.

"No. We're closing this and I'm shutting this down now. You already did just check thrice now. I think that's more than enough." I said taking the laptop from her.

She held it back not letting it go and I swatted her hand making her let go.

"I'm putting this now inside your bag," I said as I took the files as well and filed them in the folder. She tugs the hem of my shirt making me look at her, looking at me with a pleading eye.

"No! That won't work." Heck, in all honesty, it's making me weak but I stand firm she needs to get a rest from this. I look down at her and shake my head knowing I won't change my mind she lets go of her hold.

"Sej, I know the presentation tomorrow would turn out great. Believe me, you're the most diligent, smartest, and tenacious when it comes to work. But you need to take a rest and be at your best and fullest energy for tomorrow."

She looks back at me and I can see a smile forming her lips as she punches me in the arm feeling embarrassed. 

"Thank you!" She said looking at me. "Know that I always appreciate you, even at times I don't get to say it." She says softly.

"Well, then I guess I deserve a hug, right?" I said opening my arms wide.

"What?" She asks back in a chuckle crossing her arms.

"Oh, come on. My arms are hurting now." I answered with a cheeky smile.

And without saying another word she's in my arms. And I can feel her smile and I instantly tighten the hug even more.

"Yah! Seh, are you trying to kill me? I can't breathe." She says mumbling at my shoulder.

I slowly let go looking down at her and I can see her cheeks flushed when our eyes met. I smiled back as I ruffled her hair.

"I'll go now. Take a rest now, tomato head." Earning a punch in my arm as soon as she realized what I meant.

"I hate you!" She yells back shooing me out the door, but a smile tugging at her lips. 

"You know you love someone when thinking about their quirks and flaws makes you smile." - J.Střelou

//Thank you for reading and voting, guys! I appreciate it so much 💌

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