What If - Chapter 6

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After a half an hour drive and being stuck in the traffic they finally arrive at Chanyeol's house.

Sehun presses the bell on Sehun's house and they both hear the door clicked open, Chanyeol shouts through "Let yourself in! We're just fixing the table here." 

Sehun and Sejeong go inside and sees Chanyeol and Wendy looking busy setting the table filling it with food the two gawk seeing the amount of food on the table.

"Wends!!!" Sejeong calls out Wendy's name in a high tone as she eases her way into the kitchen. Wendy looks at her and screams her name "Sejeongie!!!" and hugs her. Chanyeol and Sehun look at them like two kids who haven't seen their playmate in a long while.

"Are you planning to give us a food coma with this amount of food?" Sehun says at Chanyeol as they greet each other with a bro hug. 

"Wendy's too enthusiastic to cook lately, but we were both too busy so now she's unleashed you guys are at the receiving end." Chanyeol grins cheekily.

"Well, no complaints though. I'm sure Sejeong will be feasting half of this food anyways." Sehun says and all of them laugh knowing Sejeong's big appetite and love for food.

Sejeong looks back at Sehun as if shooting laser beams with her eyes. She moves towards his direction and as if he knows what's about to happen he walks backward and runs right away as she runs back at him. She picks the pillow on the couch and starts hitting him whilst Sehun blocking and avoiding her hits.

Chanyeol goes near Wendy and holds her waist and whispers to her "There they go again. Bickering like kids. I swear one day these two will hit-off and date. I'm placing bets on that." Chanyeol says while watching the two.

"I know, if only there's no Eunwoo in Sejeong's life. I'd push her out to Sehun, he's so much better at taking care of her than Eunwoo. My blood boils just saying his name." Wendy huffs.

"I'd be more willing to help, Sehun hasn't gone beyond anything from the dates he's had. For all I know he must be waiting for Sejeong to be free from Eunwoo, I've been trying to talk my way to him taking chances if he'll take the bait but to no assurance, I think he just doesn't realize yet. When it's all written his face and the way he takes care of her" Chanyeol looks at the two who are now flopped on the couch catching their breaths.

"I should've pushed Sejeong way before Eunwoo came at the picture, she would've been much happier now,"  Wendy says as she leans her head on Chanyeol's shoulder.

"Now I'm hungry!" Sejeong hisses under her breath leaning on the couch. Her chest moving up and down rapidly as she catches her breath.

Sehun chuckles and looks back at the kitchen as Chanyeol and Wendy watch them. "Hey, love birds! This girl here is hangry now. She might transform and growl at any moment." As he was facing Chanyeol and Wendy's direction Sejeong slowly inches closer and lands a bite on his left arm.

"Ahhhh!" Sehun screams touching his arm where Sejeong has left her a bite mark. Wendy and Chanyeols laugh their lungs out. Sehun looks back at her pressing his bitten arms.

"Aww Does it hurt?" Sejeongs looks at him teasing him acting like it wasn't her deed and then slyly grins at him. As she slowly inches closer again, Sehun shakes his head no and pushes her forehead with his index finger, and shouts back "Wendy! Your friend needs her food now! My arms won't survive." Sending a big laugh at the three.

After dinner, Sejeong was helping Wendy clean and tidy up. "How are you and Eunwoo?" Wendy asks.

"We're on a break" Sejeong responded her eyes still on the plates.

"Sejeong-ah I don't really wanna meddle with your relationship with him. But I think the two of you should really talk this out. You know yourself this isn't a healthy relationship anymore. Mmmm?"  As Wendy lightly bumps Sejeong's hip with hers.

Chanyeol hears the conversation of the two as he gets two can of beers on the fridge. Leaving them he gets back at the living area and he sits on the couch beside Sehun and passing a can of beer.

"Seh! Is something up between her and Eunwoo again?" Chanyeol asks looking back at Sejeong and Wendy in the kitchen.

Sehun looks back at them. "Why'd you ask?"

"Not prying. Just heard Wendy talking with her about Eunwoo." And sips his beer.

Sehun holds the beer can with his two hands. Clasping it. "A few days ago, we met at our hangout she told me they took a break again telling it to me as if it was just a joke, a no big deal. Her usual facade that everything's fine, I didn't wanna pry her cause I know how much she thinks it was somehow her fault when all this time she's been so understanding and forgiving to him." Holding the can tighter.

"Again?!! That must be why Wendy's convincing her to talk things out with Eunwoo." Chanyeol sighs in disappointment.

"I guess she still likes him enough to still hold on," Sehun says looking at Sejeong's back.

"What about you?" Chanyeol asks.

He looks back at Chanyeol confused. "What about me? What it's got to do with me? I don't think I like where your question is leading."

Chanyeol chuckles. "Chill dude, I was just about to ask you and you're being defensive right off the bat."

"Yeol not me. I know you and your questions and I'm not falling for this." Drinking the remaining beer in the can in one shot.

"Seh, I wasn't done with my question but you started defending right away. I was just about to ask 'What about you? How are your dates going any progress?" He looks at Sehun with a cheeky grin and raises his shoulders as if to make a point.

"Not buying it Yeol! Not buying it." Right then Wendy and Sejeong goes to the living area holding another set of beer and snacks. Sejeong sits beside Sehun he instinctively takes the beer cans at her and places them down the table.

He opens one of the cans and hands it to her, and he feels as if someone's watching them as he turns on his sit Chanyeol was staring at him with that knowing look  "You know I don't buy you as well." Chanyeol retorts at him.

Sejeong hears Chanyeol and looks at both of them and nudges Sehun's arm. "What was he saying?"

"Nothing just pure nonsense." He glances at her and glares back at Chanyeol.

After a long exchange of conversations, catching ups, and watching series re-runs. They didn't realize that it was already late at night and decided to part ways Sehun and Sejeong say now their goodbyes to Chanyeol and Wendy.

"Sejeongie don't forget about my favour. See you next week! Sehun, take care of her, take her home safely." Wendy says as she holds the door open. 

"Don't worry Wend's that's Sehun's specialty." Chanyeol smiles cheekily.

Sehun rolls his eyes shaking his head "Thank you Wendy! We'll go now before I decide to hit Chanyeol up."

"See you next week. Wends, Yeol Bye!" Sejeong waveing at them.

//Quite a long chapter for these four buddies catching up. Wendy and Chanyeol both agree about the undeniable chemistry between the two, but Sehun and Sejeong seem to be clueless themselves. Maybe they need just a little more nudge. 

Thank goodness I was able to find a photo that would fit and click for editing their photos together.

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