What If - Chapter 10

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She sees Wendy's message and reads it.

To send a congratulatory? She thought and replies to her "What do you mean? What are you sending out?"

As Wendy replies "Just wait for it, it'll be delivered in before an hour. I won't be able to message you back now, but just message me if you need to say something I'll try to get back right away."

Sejeong still seating on her couch decides to turn on the tv and browse through a list of series and movies looking for anything good to watch. She keeps on browsing not in the mood for anything as she settles for a random movie in her recommendation list she just wants something to fill the void of silence and the movement of light from the screen.

After a good minute of just staring at the tv not really focusing on it, she hears her doorbell ring. Thinking it must be the delivery that Wendy mentioned she checks the intercom doubting for a second. 

She walks to the door and opens it "Sehun?".

"Hello, delivery is here!" Sehun laughs and places his hands on Sejeongs head patting it.

Sejeong tilts her head dumbfounded staring at Sehun as she finally speaks "You're the delivery? I mean ..."

"Yes, I am!" Sehun answers back with a grin. "So can you please let me in so we can dig in, this chicken and beer?" Raising the plastic in his hands.

Sejeong looks at the food in Sehun's hand and back at him with her furrowed eyebrows. Sehun just smiles at her and lets himself in, he goes straight to the kitchen placing the box of chicken and beer at the table.


I look back and turn to see Sejeong looking at me a few steps away, I look at her studying her face, her eyes look puffy and red from crying. Her bubbly energy is not present it was as if someone deflated the balloon holding her energy. 

I can see from her expression that she's trying to recollect and steady herself. She always does this trying to keep herself together all on her own not wanting to involve someone else in case they'd feel the burden.

I stare at her with a soft smile wanting to remind her that she doesn't need to keep her guards up when she's with me. "Stop staring at me." She says I can see in her eyes that she doesn't want wanna talk about him or anything with regards to him.

I didn't say anything and walk towards her not breaking our eye contact, and as I get close to her, I opened my arms motioning for a hug she looks at me with those glossy eyes trying to hold her tears back both of her arms in front of hers folded I came closer as I hug her not saying anything.

As I enveloped her in my arms, I could feel her breathe in and out slowly, calmly giving in to the comfort of my arms around her. Her hands now plop to her sides and I inch in the space between us hugging her tightly I feel her arms move wrapping them around my waist hugging me back as I felt her shoulders shudder silently sobbing in my hold.

I stroke her hair then patting her back, and squeezing her shoulders. Hoping it would comfort her and let her know that she can cry all she wants that I'll take it all I'll keep her safe in my arms.

I heard her sobbing stop and I slowly loosen my hug looking at her and cupping her face and running my thumb on her cheeks filled with tears wiping it out. 

I look at her in the eyes pulling a smile, pats her in the head as she looks up at me meeting my eyes, she pulled up a small smile that didn't reach her eyes.

She didn't utter a word and I didn't speak not wanting to make her feel obliged to fill in about the details I just watch her back as she sits on the couch, staring at the random movie playing. I walk back to the kitchen bringing the chicken and beer to the coffee table in front of us.

I sat down beside her tapping the space between as she moves closer curled up her knees and leaned on my shoulder, I place my left arm on hers softly caressing it.

There is only silence between us; all there is the sound coming from the tv.

Sooner I feel Sejeong's head go heavier on my arms knowing she had fallen asleep. I move slowly not wanting to wake her up and reach for the pillow beside her slowly standing up while holding her head as I place down the pillow.

I walk inside her room turning on the light looking for a blanket. As I walk through the door, I saw pictures on her wall clipped on a board pictures of us together, and pictures with Wendy and Yeol. I left her room turning off the light back on the couch and covers her with the blanket.

I pick up the chicken and beer that were untouched and went to the kitchen transferring the food in a container and puts it inside the fridge. Turning off the kitchen light going back to the living area as I turn off the tv.

Before I leave, I looked at her again, leaning with my knees tucking away the hair from her face staring at her all that I could hear now is the sound of her soft breathing. 

There it is again, the feeling of knots in my stomach the banging sound of my heartbeat. 

Right then I finally came to realize the feeling that has been bugging me since that day, the feeling that I was trying to keep at the back of my mind untouched. 

Giving away to what I truly feel never wanting to see her smile fade away again.

This feeling was scaring the shit out of me, scared that if I allowed myself to recognize this feeling the special bond that we have won't stay the same, that it could ruin everything. 

"I once heard that love makes a light sound, so when he hums. I listen."

- Kelly Peacock


Currently, #1 at sese tags (05/27/21) 🥺
Really happy to see and feel more motivated.
Thank you so much for reading 😭🤍

Thank you so much for reading 😭🤍

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