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After what's felt like hours of talking with the boys Blaise had enough.

"I'm tired I'm going to bed". Blaise kissed my head and laid down in his bed. He turned off the light and it got dark. There was some light from the shining into both windows. My view was perfect because I saw Draco's eyes in the light but he couldn't see me.

"Come sit". He patted the bed In front of him. I slowly walked over to it and sat. I admired the moon that sat above the black lake. I felt his hand on my face.

He pulled us closer and closer until our lips touched. They barely did before I pulled away. "We can't. Especially when I know there's something between you and daphne. And now your hitting on Astoria". I got up.

"The flirting it's nothing. There's nothing going on between me and daphne or me and Astoria". "So why do you flirt with them?" "I don't know". "I'm leaving".

"No wait please stay". "Why should I? Huh why should I ". "Because I want you to", he looked broken vulnerable. Like he needed a shoulder to cry or someone to talk to so I stayed. I showed my vulnerable side and that was a dangerous game. I laid down with him.

"How's your mother?" "She's great actually". "And your father?" "He's doing fine though he is putting a lot of pressure on me lately". "Why?" I say up.

"He expects me to be this perfect son whose gonna find "The one". He expects me to find a pureblood to marry and to have children with. It's stupid".

"Well I didn't mean to bring that up". "No your fine I just needed to get it off my chest". We both lay back down. I laid my head on his chest.

His hands were covered in rings and scars. I grabbed his hand and gazed at it for so long until I fell asleep.


"Today we will be learning about amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world".

"Hey are you okay? Your acting weird".  Daphne asked me. "I'm-I'm-I'm okay". I kept staring at him.

"Are you on your period?" "No. Shut up". I said. "Omg YOU HAD YOUR FIRST KISS!" She shouted. "Daphne if you don't keep your voice down".

His eyes shout straight to mine. She looked around the room until she saw Draco. She stopped and then she looked at me again. But with a sad face.

"We will be learning some about amortentia.It's rumored to smell like your soulmate. We won't be brewing it today but we will smelling it. Line up!"

We all got in a line. Kid after kid went until it got to Pansy. "Cologne, rain, and lemon". She gave a smile on her face which we didn't see often. I was next.

"Cologne, green apple, and broom wax". I looked around the room until I saw them. Draco and Blaise laughing. But how could my amortentia smell like 2 different people.

"Next". It was daphne's turn. "Dog, ocean water, and fish?" Everyone started to laugh. "Enough. Next". It was Blaise's turn. "Vanilla, maple syrup, and Perfume". His eyes flickered to mine.

And last but not least Draco.

His head got real low. He practically touched it he was so close. "Citrus". And he stopped to look at daphne. A smirk appeared. Daphne loved oranges.

I started to get worried.

"Roses". His smirk got bigger. He looked at me and winked. Daphne looked at me but she was mad.

If he says what I think he's gonna say my head will probably explode.

He inhaled one last time. He looked at us both. He started to laugh. "Old books". He walked away from the cauldron. I was speechless. Ravenclaw. Astoria.

"Oh and one last thing your amortentia will sometimes play tricks on you". The Bella rang and everyone gathered there things to their next class.


"Potions was crazy today Huh". Blaise said. It was only us in his dorm. "Yeah. What Severus said got me thinking." "About how you amortentia plays tricks on you?" "Yeah".

There were voices outside of the door and it opened. Draco and daphne were standing there. "How cou-". She stopped.

"Out". Was all Draco said. Blaise was already in the doorway. "Greengrass let's go". Blaise said. He had his hand out.

I took one last glance at them both and me and Blaise went to my dorm.

"What do you think there talking about?" I ask him. "You". He got up. "I know about last night". "Zabini it was nothing". "Oh so now I'm zabini".

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that it was just in the moment. Nothing is going on between us".

"So your saying if I just kissed you right now it's in the moment". "Maybe". I say. He grabbed me and our lips smashed. I pulled away. "Sorry". "It's fine".

I could tell he was thinking. "This is for the best". He went to the door. "Wait don't go". "It's for the best". and he shut the door. I sat on my bed for the rest of the night waiting for daphne to come back. She eventually did. She looked drained. We didn't talk I just went to sleep and so did she.

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