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Y'all I think I choose the wrong song for the last chapter. I should have made it traitor by Olivia Rodrigo. 😬 sorry not sorry lol.


I didn't get anymore letters that summer. I hardly talked to anyone besides Astoria. We only had each other for the rest of summer.

Mother and father had business to attend to and they took Daphne. She didn't come out of her room though. She had her own bathroom in her room so she didn't come out at all. I had about two words with her before she left.

I'm leaving.


"Where's Daphne?" Pansy asked. The train started to move. "She went with our parents on a business trip. She won't be back until later". Draco stared blankly out of the window.

"Have any of you heard from her?" Adrian walked into our compartment. "Sorry I'm late I had a late start this morning". He sat down next to me. "Hey". He whispered to me. "Hi". I said back.

"So?" They all shook there heads except Adrian and Draco. "So what?" "Have you heard from Daphne?" I asked him. "No I haven't". Draco's eyes landed on mine. Both my eyebrows rose. He shook his head.

"I actually haven't really heard from anyone. I got what three letters this summer". I said. "Including you". I looked at Adrian.

"What. Do we have to document everyday of our lives to you". Blaise said. "No all I wanted was a damn letter every few weeks and I couldn't even get that. And Blaise you've been extra distant lately".

"There's a reason for that. I got a girlfriend". "Your lying". I said. "Millicent bullstrode". I rolled my eyes.

"Oh your one to talk ever since you've been dating Adrian you've been distant too". Pansy gasped. Draco's eyes widened.

"We're not dating. Emphasis on the not".

"Not dating my ass. Look at you two. You can't keep your eyes off each other". I got up. "Stay". Adrian said.

"Why should I. I'm getting attacked by someone who I've known for years or someone I thought I knew". I grabbed my bag and left the compartment with everyone shocked inside of it.


I sat in my bed alone in my room while everyone was partying for the first day of the new and last school year for us seventh years.

The door opened.

"I'm not apologizing now I just want to be alone".

"What's with you and your attitude". Daphne said. "Oh I miss missed you". I ran to her. Hugging her.

"What's wrong". I sighed. "I got in a fight with Blaise today on the train. He's just been distant lately. All I wanted was a letter. I didn't get one this summer. I feel like everyone else has moved on to new and better things and I'm still stuck in my same 6th year self".

She hugged me again. "It's ok". "And the worst part is none defended me. Not Pansy. Not Adrian. Not even Draco. I don't know who those people are anymore".

"You need some rest your tired". I got under my comforter. "Enough about me. How was the trip with mum and dad?"

"Boring". She said. She laid down next to me. "I missed you". She said.

"I missed you too".


There was a light knock on my door. I opened it. "Pansy, hi". She came in. "I know we don't have much time until breakfast but I wanted to see how you were doing?"

"I'm ok. Daphne left to talk to Draco so". I said. "I mean we all know how Blaise is. He's just been an ass so don't take it to heart".

"Yeah". I said. She glanced at the clock. "We should head to breakfast". I nodded. We walked together all the way to the great hall.

As we were passing our friends Daphne called my name. "Anna. Anna wait". She grabbed my hand. "Sit". I glanced at the table. Pansy sat next to her.

I rolled me eyes. "Fine". I sat down next to her. I wasn't really that hungry so I didn't eat.

They all talked except me. I sat there and stared around. Al the food disappeared and all the students rushed out of the great hall. Everyone got up except Blaise and me. He tried to talk to me but I ran after Pansy.


"Are you going to the party tonight". Pansy asked me. "I really don't want too".

"Oh come on we only have one more year left". She pulled out a dress. Waving it around everywhere.

"I'm not wearing that it's-". "You are". The dress showed the top of my breasts and quite a lot and it was a lot shorter than I was use to.

"You never know maybe you could meet a boy". I rolled me eyes.

"Annalise your going before you regret it". She waved the dress again. "Fine". I got up heading into the bathroom.


We all headed down to the common room and as we were the loud music started. The flashing green lights. The adrenaline. The nerves.

We sat on the couch. "Well-". Pansy started to say but Draco cut her off. "Drinks". He got up and handed each of us a cup and we all put our cups together.

We all tilted our heads back. I had noticed Draco's hand around Daphne's waist. I quickly looked away.

She dragged him off to the dance floor. Moving her hips and then her lips were on his. I grabbed Adrian's hand and led him to the dance floor.

The worst part was I didn't know if it was the alcohol talking.

He spun me around and caught me. He dipped me back. I ran my hands down his chest and through his hair. He kissed me. It shocked me. I gasped in his mouth. He laughed.

But why would he do this. He pulled away.

"Why did you do that?" I whispered to him. "Just because". He whispered back.

I pulled us back to the couch.

"That my friend was hot". She shook my head. "Okay how many drinks have you had?"

"New plan". She said and she gathered us into the boys dormitory.

"Pansy why have you brought us here?" I said. "Well my friend we're gonna play a little game in honor of our last year at Hogwarts. Blah blah blah. Now whose ready for a game of truth or dare?"


A game of truth or dare is always dangerous 😉

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