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Blaise, daphne, Pansy, and I were all sitting in the great hall for dinner. I wondered where Draco was.

I hadn't seen him in a while. He wasn't at classes and he wasn't at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

"Where's Draco I feel like he's disappeared". "He said he probably wasn't coming". Blaise said. "Is that what he said about the other days too?" We stared blankly at each other.

"Leave it alone". He mouthed. I rolled my eyes. "You know you love me". He mouthed again. I smiled.

I could never really stay mad at him.

We all were laughing when I saw a certain look on Blaise's face. "Here comes mr pissy fit". I looked at the front of the great hall. Draco was walking with a very glum face. Everyone else laughed except me.

It had looked as though the life had been sucked out of him. He was sad to look at. He sat down next to Blaise. I heard him whisper but I couldn't understand him.

There was little to no conversation at our table. Everyone just picked around there food. It was so awkward.

"Come on sissy". Daphne grabbed my hand and we left to the dungeons.

"What the hell. That was so awkward". I said. She scoffed. "Merlin knows why". She said weirdly. We sat in the common room waiting for our friends.

Pansy, Blaise, and Draco came into the common room. Draco's face dropped. I fluttered my brows. I was confused on this.

They sat down in the other empty seats.

I looked up an it was already super late. I yawned. "I'm going to sleep goodnight". Daphne said and Pansy follows behind her not saying a word. "Me too". Blaise kissed my head and they all went up. Leaving me with him.

"Ar-". "Don't". He said sternly. "Don't act like you care now it's been a week and you haven't tried so you don't care". He got up out of the seat and left to go up to the boys dormitories.


The next day there was a letter that came from a familiar owl. I recognized it finally as it got closer. It was Draco's. On the front of the letter it said. Annalise. In very nice writing. I always loved his hand writing.

Dear Anna,
I apologize for being so rude last night. I know I've even M.I.A all week long I've needed time to think. I'd like to talk. Meet me in the astronomy tower tonight at midnight and don't tell anyone where your going. It's best they don't know. I miss you.

Love, Draco

A smiled appeared on my face but I shouldn't have been smiling. It was almost time for breakfast so I hurried down to the common room where my friends were all waiting for me. Today was a Saturday so we were free.

We went straight to breakfast and Draco was nowhere to be found once again.

"So tonight shall we get our drink on?" Blaise said. "Hells yes". Daphne said. Pansy also smiled. This was the perfect plan for an early night and the perfect getaway.

"Your glowing. Are you pregnant?" Daphne touched my stomach. "Personal space much? No I'm not pregnant I'm just happy. Are you the happy police?"

She playfully rolled her eyes. Blaise just laughed.


Blaise and Pansy were drinking all night. It was 10 minutes to midnight. "I have a question?" Daphne said. "Do we have a choice?" "Shut up". She said. I knew she was drunk just from the way she talked. Blaise died into laughter.

"Why- wh- why is the sk- sky so bigggg". She exaggerated. "I don't know why is your forehead so big?" Pansy said. Everyone laughed except daphne.

Pansy never talked back to daphne. " I like this girl". Blaise said.

It was now 5 minutes to midnight. I started to tap my foot. "You guys are looking tired you should both head up to bed. "You read my mind". Blaise said. "Daphne go". "I'll go too. To make sure she gets up there okay".

"Walk me to the stairs?" She said with puppy eyes. "Of course". I said. I held her hand until we got to the stairs. Blaise had already left to the boys dormitory.

"I love you. Goodnight". She blew me a kiss. "Wait your not coming?" "I'll be up in a little". "Kay love you goodnight". She said again. "Love you too. Goodnight". Pansy came down and leaned in.

"I got her go meet him". My eyes widened. "Our little secret?" She nodded. "Thank you". I hugged her.


As I was opening the door I smelt a familiar scent. I started to climb up the steps but something caught my attention. "Merlin, Draco. You look like a stalker".

"Oh trust me I am". He was leaning next to the door with his arms crossed and his foot up.

"So you've been avoiding me all week?" I questioned him. "I'm not particularly proud of that". He walked up the stairs.

His tall figure shadowed over mine. I turned around to walk towards the railing but he grabbed my hand. He spun me back around and his hand landed on my face.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are". His eyes gazed into mine. "Your such a flirt". I sat down on a near chair.

"I was told to stay away from you". "By who?" He just stared at me and He sat down on the other chair.

"I can't understand you sometimes and to be fair I don't think you do either". I say. "Your sister can be quite controlling sometimes". "Tell me about it". I say.

"What are we Draco?" "Friends". I got up out of the chair and walked to the railing. "That came out wrong". I didn't even bother to say anything.

"I want you to have this". I turned around and he had his hand out but there was a ring. It was a thick silver ring.

"Why?" "So you'll always think of me". "Is this your way of branding me". His smile turned into a laugh.

"Absolutely not". His smile was now a sarcastic one.

It made me laugh. I slid the ring on. "It's pretty". I said. "Yeah". He said while looking at me. He leaned down.

His 6'2 self leaned down to my 5'4 body. His tallness was my weakness. His lips attacked mine. It was fast but passionate. I wrapped my arms around his neck. It lasted a while but then I pulled away. Our heads rested off of each other's.

"Your sister I mean she's great in all but your different. I've finally realized". He looked up into my eyes. "But I want you to know if we don't workout out this time I promise we will next time". He said.

"What difference does it make Draco. That's my sister we're talking about". "The difference is me keeping my word. I'll always be here for you no matter what". He kissed my forehead as we laid back under the stars.

"Wow". He said. I laughed. "We should probably head back now". "Your right". He put his hand out for me to grab.

I knew it was wrong but something felt right so I grabbed his hand.

We laughed all the way to the common room. We didn't care if we got in trouble or if anyone heard us.

When we entered the common there was someone sitting on the sofa. All the lights turned and Blaise's eyes darted right at us. He looked disappointed and he stomped up the stairs to the boys dormitories.

I let go of Draco's hand. "He's drunk he'll forget". And I ran up the stairs to my dorm.


Sorry it took me long to get out. I just finished editing on my other story. <3. I'm now officially writing this book. -happy reading.

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