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It was cold and rainy outside when I got the phone call. I was shocked. I doubted my self but I was right all along.

1 week passed and I hadn't heard anything from anyone. That was when the phone rang. I picked it up instantly.

"You were right". Was all he said. I instantly knew what he was talking about. "You were right about everything. I broke up with her". Draco said.

I was speechless.

"H-how did you find out?" "She was acting weird. She wouldn't go to the doctor's".

"God Draco I am so sorry". "It was my fault I choose to stay with her".

He was silent. "Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to talk to her-". "She left. She packed everything and left".

"Oh". I said. "But there is one thing you can do". "Anything". "Meet me at my house in 5 minutes".

"Draco-". "No questions asked". "See you in 5". I said hesitantly. He hung up the phone.

I paced around the living room.

Why would he want to see me. Of all people.

Astoria walked into the living room. "What's got your wand in a knot?" "It's not a time to be joking right now". She was confused.

I grabbed my face while sitting down. I exhaled dramatically.

"I have to go". "Wait where are you going?" She asked me. "To Draco".

I decided to just take the floo network. I hardly ever used it but I needed to be there quickly. I threw the Powder and the green flames erupted around me. I shouted the maywood estate.

As soon as I landed I saw him. He was crying. He ran to me. It was almost like in a movie. We wrapped our arms around each other.

"Draco it's okay". I whispered. He shook his head.

"It's not. How-how could someone lie like that. How dare she!" He yelled. My lip quivered.

"I'm so sorry". He pulled away while grabbing my face immediately. Forcing our lips together. I pulled away.

I searched his eyes. Looking back and fourth.


"Daphne held me captive. For years. She threatened to tell everyone things. Things about you if I ever left her". He cried.

"It's always been you". He grabbed my face gently.


"Please this is all I've ever wanted. Fuck everyone else when we can have each other".

"I feel the same". I soaked up the last good moments.

"But we can't do that. Not to Daphne. Not to my parents. My family". He closed his eyes.

"Why do you care about that. When you can be happy? With me?!" "I was alone for two years!"

"You want to talk about alone. Do you know how I felt when you were gone? When my parents were fighting?! You don't know so don't tell me about being fucking lonely-". He stopped. "I didn't mean to-".

"Just stop. Things are too complicated. And maybe we're just not meant to be". A tear fell from my cheek.

"Don't do this". He said. I kissed his cheek.

"So is this goodbye?"


"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself".  I looked into his eyes.

"I promise".

And that was the last thing I said to him.

I gave him a light smile before I entered the fireplace. As I was grabbing the powder I heard bangs.

I was slightly mad at my self but I did the right thing.

I entered back at my apartment and Astoria was sitting on the couch. I sat next to her and I started to cry and she let me.


I played a million other scenarios in my head over and over again about things I would have done differently.

What if when I went to see Draco I would have let us be together. I would have betrayed everyone that I loved including my self.

I would have been my same old self.

I had to let her go.

But I was surrounded by some of the people that I loved and trusted and that's all I need.

Everyone was happy.

We were a family again.

We let a boy come between us and that wasn't right so I made it right.

But all good things come to an end.



Omg it's over I'm so sorry for the wait. This has been a rollercoaster and now it's over.

I wanted to write a more sad ending because not everyone has a happy ending and that's okay. You don't need someone to make you happy. This was just an realization of what you have and what you don't need. Family is important always remember that. Thank you so much for reading and for almost 200 reads. I am so incredibly greatful. Please don't be mad (:.



I plan to write the first 10 chapters before I putting the first one out so give me a follow if you would like to see the first chapter. Here's the description:

Thanks again for reading and be ready for this book

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Thanks again for reading and be ready for this book. I think it's gonna be a good one!!!!!

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