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"Anna". Adrian started to laugh. "What it so funny". I said.

"Just tell him already". "What are you talking about". "Just tell him you like him". He said.

"If you don't shut the fuck up". "It's so obvious. You won't even kiss me and the look on your face".

"You don't know everything. There something that you don't know". I said.

"Just tell him". I got closer to him. "We can talk about this in my dorm let's go".

A door opened. "Just tell Draco that you have feelings for him".

"Adrian! Stop". I said.

"You like Draco?" Daphne said. "Daphne no". She went back in Draco's room. Draco stood staring at me before he turned around and closed the door.

Blaise and Pansy stood behind us. I didn't even realize.

"Blaise?" "You've ruined everything". He said and he disappeared. "Pansy please. He's lying I would never".

She looked disappointed. She turned around and left.

I looked at Adrian. "What have you done". I started to cry and I ran down the stairs. But I suddenly spotted Astoria sitting on the couch.

"What has gotten into you. Annalise". She said. "Please Astoria. Your all I have left". I cried.

"I don't believe you".

She broke my heart.

"You have to believe me. He's he's lying. I would never. Draco planned on breaking up with Da-".

"So yo thought it was okay to express your feelings now".

"If your not going to fucking believe me then I'm leaving".

I ran up to my dorm and packed all of my stuff. I shoved things in my bags while slamming things.

I had to get away from here. I grabbed all my bags and I ran out of the common room. I ran all the way to the astronomy tower. And I feel asleep under the stars.


The next morning I woke up in the dress I wore to the party last night. So I went to the nearest bathroom to change and I then headed to the platform to wait for the train once it arrived.

Once it did I went to the opposite end of where my friends would sit. Though I wasn't sure they where still my friends.

I had fallen asleep. But once the train stopped moving I woke up to the compartment door opening.

"I'll be ready to talk once we get home". Astoria said. I looked out of the window to see all of my friends hugging and then Draco kissed Daphne.

So he hadn't broken up with her. "I'm not going home". I said. "Where you gonna go?" She asked.

"I'll figure it out".

"If you ever change your mind you know you can come home". She said. "Why? Nobody wants me there".

"I wonder why". "Astoria just leave if your gonna keep accusing me of something I didn't have control of".

"So this is goodbye?" "Possibly".

I grabbed my bags and exited the compartment with a tear down my cheek. I took one last glance of the train and I apparated to gringrotss bank.


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