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Daphne slowly turned around. She creeped towards the bed. "Why were you talking to him?"

"Seriously that's the first thing your gonna say to me In months". "He's my boyfriend we're in a relationship". "Not a very happy one according to Blaise". She rolled her eyes.

She sat next to me stroking my hair. "Don't touch me". She stopped. "I'm sorry- I just-". She started to sob.

I started to feel bad but at the same time I didn't. She did this to herself. It was all her fault. She pushed everyone away. She pushed me away, Pansy, Draco. None was to blame except her.

I hugged her. "I'm right here". (Teehe I only put this in because of chase Atlantic. The song is above^).

"This is all my fault. It's always my fault". "It's okay".

" you just have to be better". She rolled her eyes again. "I'm sorry for flipping out about you and Draco". "It's ok. Just don't be the clingy girlfriend. He doesn't really like that".

"Your right. Your always right. I just-". She took in a deep breath. "I just wish I was more like you". My eyes widened. "Like me?"

"Everybody likes you. Every guy likes you". I was speechless. She calmed down after a few minutes And laid down in one of the beds. She put her hands out. I laid next to her.

She was out not to long after that. I tried to carefully get up though I failed a few times.

There was a light knock on the door. I looked at the clock and it was barely 11.

I quickly got up and opened the door. It was Draco. But why?

"Hi". I said. "Hey. Um can we talk?" "Not here". He looked around me and saw daphne laying there. I shut the door.

We went down to the common room.

The only sound you heard was the crackling from the fire.

"How have you been?" He asked. "Fine". I wasn't annoyed but I didn't know what to say. "I don't understand why were so awkward? I mean can't we just be friends?". He said.

"Yes. 'Cause that's what's best". "I missed you". He said. "I missed you too. Pansy kept me company that last couple of months. You know she's actually very fun and outgoing".

"Right. She can be very fun when daphne isn't shadowing her". We laughed. I yawned. "I should probably head up to bed I'm tired". "Goodnight greengrass".

"Goodnight malfoy".


The next morning we all went to breakfast together like everything was normal. Well because it was back to normal. Until a certain someone was the talk of the school.

"Did you guys meet the new kid yet?" "No". I said. "There he is".

A brown hair blue eyed boy walked through the common room and sat right next to me.

It's always the blue eyes.

"Hi I'm new. I'm Adrian". "Long time no see". Draco said. "Pucey". He laughed. "I'm Anna. Well my names Annalise but I go by Anna. This is my sister".

Why was I so nervous? I mean he was cute but...

"Daphne greengrass." She shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you". "Blaise always a pleasure". "Same to you pucey".

"So you guys know each other?" "Yeah our parents know each other".

Everyone got back to eating. Adrian put his hand on my thigh. "Do you mind showing me around later?" He whispered. My smirk turned into a smile. I got real close to his ear. "Meet me in the common room at 5". He nodded.

I looked at Blaise and his eyebrows raised and then he winked. He made me laugh. But Draco didn't seem happy. I mean why would he.

The girl he expressed his feelings for is flirting with other guys. It's hard to see him with daphne but I knew we would never work out. This reminded me of a memory I had tucked away.

"Your sister I mean she's great and all but your different I've finally realized". He looked up into my eyes.

"But I want you to know that if we don't workout this time I promise the next time it will".

"What difference does it make Draco. That's my sister we're talking about". "The difference is me keeping my word. I'll always be here for you no matter what". He kissed my forehead as we laid back under the stars.

The memory slowly faded away.


"So". I said. "Wow. I didn't realize how big the castle is". Adrian said. It was awkward. "What's wrong?" He said. "Nothing in fine". We walked up to the common room door. I ran in.

"It was nice giving you the tour". I didn't even bother to turn around and I ran up the stairs to my dorm. I didn't even notice Draco and Blaise sitting in the common room.



"Way to scare a girl off Adrian". He rolled his eyes. "What did you say?" Blaise said. "I didn't really say anything she just ran off". "So maybe it was your looks?" I said and Blaise laughed.

"Your annoying". He sat down next to us. "Should I go check on her". Blaise said. "Go". I said.



"Anna. Anna open up". Blaise said. I opened the door. "You ok?" "Ugh why does everyone kept asking me that". Daphne shrugged. I fell into my bed. "It was just awkward".

"Did he say something?" "No no he didn't. You know when you just start thinking. That's what it was. It was me. Now go". I politely pushed him. He blew a kiss before exiting the room.

"Tell me everything". Daphne said.  I just looked at her.

How was I supposed to tell her that I still had feelings for somebody else. When that somebody was her boyfriend.


Sorry it took me long to get out. It's officially summer break for me! So expect lots of updates and uploads 😘. Thank you so much for your patience. I've been really stressed lately and it's been a nice break but I've missed uploading so, happy reading 😚

Also I added more dialogue into chapter 4 which is the memory restated in this so pretend that was already there and that you read it. Sorry that's my bad I forgot to add it. 😐

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