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It was the following Monday. Everyone was packing there bags for break. I didn't leave my room. I had actually had everything packed the night before because I was so anxious.

Daphne was gone all night. She was never gone this long. It worried me. But I didn't want to act like that clingy sister.


Mother and father were in the study usually talking about business when the door was shut. I knocked and the giant doors opened.

"Mother, father". I paused. "Your scaring me". My mother said. "I want to transfer to beaxbatons".

"Sweetheart you've gone to hogwarts for 6 years now". "I understand that but my mental health is most important".

"Please don't tell me this is about a boy because-".my father began to say before I quickly cut him off ,"no it's not about a boy".

"Thank Merlin". My mother said. "That's the least of her worries, mother. But as for me me and Draco and me made it official last night".

"Oh well darling that's wonderful". My mother hugged her. "Nevermind I don't want a transfer because it's the least of you worries". I gave one last look to everyone and I went back to my room.

Growing up I felt as though me and Astoria were overlooked but as for daphne this wasn't the case. She was always seen as the perfect daughter. Everything she did was never wrong. I had never heard my mother and father scold her not one time until today. I heard my mother say, "sometimes you make everything about your self and it's really frustrating".

I was surprised. Then daphne runs to my room. That's the last place she should be. She started to go on about what she said. "Daphne, the whole world doesn't revolve around you so get out".

"I came to you to rant not to get scolded". "Look at Pansy you order her around everywhere and look at Draco you've had him wrapped around your finger since first year".

She slapped me and it was hard. She was crying. "I-".

"Save it. Now. Get. Out".


I tried to stay away from daphne as much as possible. Even though we shared a dorm she would go stay with Draco which I was thankful for.

I sat by myself at lunch or with Astoria. But today Pansy decided to sit with me. I was so confused.

"Pansy. Hi". "Hi can I sit here?" "Yeah". "I'm surprised your not sitting with them". I said. "Oh daphne's being a real ass today".

"Understandable". We both laughed. "You know your a lot funnier when your not around daphne". She smirked.


I sat and hung out with Pansy all the time. She became my new best friend real quick. We sat together in classes and she even stayed with me in my dorm. She practically moved in.

We were sitting on our beds talking and having fun.

"So have you talked to Draco since everything?" "No I haven't talked to him in three months. I mean it's been hard but I don't think it would of worked out anyways and I'd assume he's happy so".

"Just make sure that your happy to Anna". I smiled.


"what you reading on?' "potions". I say.

"Oh. Potions was one of the worst choices to pick this year because of advanced". "I know. I thought snape would of taken it easy for us".

"Please". She scoffed. "What?" I looked up and Blaise was coming towards us. "Is he that desperate it's been months and now". Pansy said.

"Mine if I have a word?" He said. I shook my head.

"I'll see you later". I said to Pansy. She nodded.

I walked alongside Blaise. All the memories came flushing back.

"So how have you been?" "Good. You?" "I'm doin ok better actually now that I'm talking to you".

Smooth. Too smooth.

"How's daphne?" "She's doing okay. Her and Draco have been fighting recently". "Oh". I was honestly shocked. What would they be fighting about?

"How is he". "He's doing alright". I held my breath. "Daphne'a waiting for you in your dorm. She wants to talk". I just looked at him.

"She's your sister you'll need to talk eventually". "Yes yes".

"Don't worry I'll keep Pansy company". I turned around. "Wait Anna". "Hm". I responded.

"Are we good". I looked up into his eyes. "Yeah yes of course". He gave me a hug before he took off back to the library.

I didn't know what to expect waking into my dorm. Would she yell at me. Would she be mad at me? Would she be happy to see me?

I had finally gotten the courage to open the common room door and of course of all the people sitting in the common room at this time Draco was.

I barely took one step before he started to say something. "Long time no see greengrass". "Same too you malfoy". He stared so hard at me that I thought my eyes would explode.

It was quiet. You could hear a pin drop. "Are you happy now?" He said. "The real question is are you?"

There were slow footsteps heard coming from the girls dormitory. He just scoffed. If only he could of saw the look on her face. Luckily he didn't. His back was facing her.  "Anna? Come on".

She grabbed my hand and she rushed us up the stairs. She slammed the door behind us.

I knew right then and there that she was mad.

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