You Love Who You Love

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December 19, 1991

Veronica's POV

I help JD get his stuff in the trunk. We get in and start driving to Sherwood. The drive is very quiet. He stares out the window for a while. I try to make conversation by pointing out things on the road. He talks a little but only when I say something first.

Since we came here in only one car, I begged JD to let me get him home for Christmas. Considering it's my fault we're no longer together, it was the least I could do. Part of the reason we woke up at 4 am to leave is so we wouldn't have to sleep in a motel together.

We get there in the evening. I pull up to JD's house. "Do you need help getting your stuff inside?" I ask. "No, I'm fine. Besides, I don't really want my mom to find out just yet. It'll just make things worse." I nod, understanding what he means. I drive home to find the house empty. My dad must be at work. I go to my room where there aren't sheets on the bed. He probably thought I'd stay at the Dean house. It's not a big deal so I just wash the sheets myself.


I walk inside and immediately head upstairs. My mom knocks on the door as I'm unpacking. "Hey honey. I heard you come in but you disappeared. Are you okay?" She walks in. "I'm okay. I just wanted to get unpacked before doing the hugs and all that happens when I get back from school." I lie. I really just don't want her mentioning that Veronica isn't with me. "Okay, that's fine. So is Veronica staying with her dad for the holidays?" She asks. "Yeah. She really wanted to spend Christmas with him since it's his first Christmas without Mrs. Sawyer there." Which is the truth. That is a big part of it. We'd talked about that before... never mind. "Okay. Well Heather and Hank are coming for dinner soon. I know you two aren't happy with each other but please be civil." I was always civil. It was when Heather tried to be angry at Veronica that it was no longer civil. "I will."

Hank and Heather walk in. Hank shakes my hand and Heather... she just gives me a polite smile. We sit down to eat, my mom and Hank being the only ones talking. They're talking about wedding plans or some shit. After dinner, I excuse myself to the front porch. Heather joins me. She doesn't say anything for a little before speaking, "I'm sorry for being a bitch to you and Veronica. I promise to leave you alone and let you be happy together." I look away. Of course she says this now that it doesn't matter. She doesn't know so that's not her fault. "What's wrong?" She tries to look at my face. I stand up and lean against the railing, facing her. "You guys didn't break up, did you?" I can't do this. "I appreciate the apology." I leave her on the porch. I practically run up the stairs to my room.

Veronica's POV

I see the lights of my dad's car pulling up. I watch through the window as he gives my car a confused look. I run down the stairs to meet him. He opens the door and sees me. "Veronica!" He drops his stuff and hugs me. "I thought you were spending the holidays with JD." About that. "We're uh... on a break." He backs up. "Oh I'm sorry." He frowns. "It's okay. It was my choice."

December 20, 1991

I wake up with a note from my dad on my nightstand. I pick it up and read it. "I have to go to some stupid conference today. I'll be home tomorrow morning." I sigh.

I go to Chester's diner alone and get a table. I stare at the menu before being tapped on the shoulder. I look up to see a friendly face. "Hi!" Alyssa greets. "Hey! I didn't know you're from Sherwood." I hug her. "I'm not. I'm just visiting my grandparents who live here." I invite her to sit with me. "So how's Harvard?" She asks. "It's good. A lot has happened." Please don't ask. "Yeah I heard. I'm sorry about that asshole who shot you." What? "How'd you know about that?" I'm pretty sure this would have only been known by people living in Boston or Cambridge. "So I ended up getting a transfer to a college in Boston. I'd forgotten you lived there until I saw you on the news. Speaking of news: I saw the thing about Heather Duke on Thanksgiving. I'm impressed." She's talking about the Henry fiasco. "Thanks. I didn't know that was going to air after what I did." But unfortunately it did.

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