Stand Tall (Part 2)

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July 21, 1993

Veronica's POV

Dear Diary,

It's been almost two weeks since I was outed to the whole town. I've barely left the house since then. Heather and JD have tried to take them down but there's always a new one in its place the next day. We've had a few rehearsals but we know that we probably won't be having any shows because of me.

I'm pretty sure Alison and I are done. We haven't talked since it happened and I don't know if I want to continue it. But it doesn't seem like we left things in a bad place.

Ethan said he was going to try to get us on the set list for the end-of-summer festival but he said he couldn't make any promises. It's stupid that this year they decided to start an annual festival. But if he can get us on there, people will go insane if I actually perform.

I'm the most hated person in the town right now. I don't know how to deal with that fact. There's only a select few people in town, other than JD, Heather, my dad, and Jill, that don't hate me. It's sad what I'm hated for, but I can't stop it.

Heather said she was taking me to the mall whether I like it or not. She said I need new clothes and I need to leave the house. She's right I guess.



I get dressed and wait for Heather to pick me up. "So where do you want to go first?" Heather and I walk through the mall. "I don't care." I shrug. We go into a few stores. As we're walking a group of girls that I think were juniors our senior year are standing by a kiosk. "Hey lesbo! Hope you're not looking at my ass!" One of them laughs. I look her up and down, "What ass?" She scoffs and turns away. "Wow. When did you become such a badass and master of witty comebacks?" Heather looks at me. "I don't know." I don't remember when I started doing that. It might have been whenever the drama with Heather and Henry happened. I'm not sure though.

I get a few shirts and two dresses. I've never been a fan of wearing pants. I don't know why but I've just always preferred skirts and dresses. We sit down at the food court to eat. I look over by the entrance and Mrs. Greene and Alyssa are walking in. It's crazy that her daughter is twenty-two years old and yet she still drags her everywhere. I try to keep my head down but I know she still sees me.

Heather's POV

Alyssa's mom walks near us and has a disgusted look on her face. "I can't believe I ever let that girl in my family's home." She says to her daughter. I can see that Alyssa isn't okay with it but she's too scared to say anything. I on the other hand, have no problem saying something. "Why not? Because she likes girls? So what? It doesn't change the fact that she's a great friend and an even better person. She would go to the ends of the earth to help anyone who needed her. Just because you think her liking girls is wrong, that doesn't mean that she's bad. If anything, it reflects very poorly on you." I say. She looks shocked. She grabs Alyssa's wrist and pulls her away.

"You didn't have to do that." Veronica shakes her head. "Veronica, you're one of my best friends. You were nice to me even when I didn't deserve it. I'll defend you against anyone who wants to make you feel bad." I hug her. "Thanks." She pulls away and smiles. "You're welcome."

We get back to her place. JD and the guys are in the pool. I borrow one of Heather's bathing suits and we join them. "How was the mall? Any assholes?" Owen asks. "Only a few. One of them was my ex's mom." I sit on the edge of the pool. "Alyssa's mom? I'm not surprised." JD laughs. "Yeah she's ridiculous. I told her off, though." Heather says. "Really?" JD raises an eyebrow. "Yeah. She was being rude to Veronica so I told her off." She shrugs. "Well I'm glad." JD pats her on the back.

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