Days In The Sun

483 18 2

June 4, 1991

Veronica's POV

JD and I walk into Chester's Diner. Courtney from high school is our waitress. "Oh hey!" She is another person who treated me like garbage when I was accused of killing Heather, but is cool with me now. She takes our order and leaves us to it. "So Country Club Courtney works at Chester's." He smirks. "Yeah. She used to mock waitresses back in high school. But look at her now." She would make messes for the waitresses to clean and now she's the one cleaning up those messes.

Courtney comes back with our food. "So how's Harvard?" She asks. "It's good. It's busy." I tell her. "That's good." Her boss yells from the kitchen. "Sorry. Well it was nice seeing you." She goes back to the kitchen. I sigh and start eating. We leave the diner and go back to the house.

The next day, we get ready. We have been planning a pool day for today with Heather. Days in the sun are much better than being boring and staying inside all day. We get to Heather's and go out back. Heather's dad brings out drinks and snacks. "Thanks, Dad." Heather takes the tray from him. "Well I'm going to work. I'll see you later." He tells her. "Okay. Love you!"

I go to the bathroom and JD is standing by the door. "What?" He looks suspicious. He puts his arm around me and proceeds to walk me to my seat. Once we get to the pool, he stops. He smirks before pushing me into the pool. I scream. "You asshole!" I put my hand out for him to get me out. He grabs it and I pull him down with me. JD pushes my head under the water. I come up to see Heather laughing at us. JD gives me a look before splashing her. "JD! What the-" I splash her before she can finish her thought. "Hey!" She comes to the edge of the pool and splashes us with her foot. JD grabs her leg but she jumps back. I get out, planning to push her in. She turns around to face me but I push her anyways.

The doorbell rings. "I'll get it since I'm already out." I grab a towel and put it around me. I go inside. James smiles when he opens the door. "Hey!" He smiles, going to hug me. "Warning, I'm a little wet." He rolls his eyes and hugs me.


After Veronica goes inside I look at Heather. "JD, I swear to God." She knows why I'm looking at her like I am. I splash her. "Two can play at that game." She pushes her hands at me, sending a bunch of water my way. I grab her waist. "What are you doing?" She gives me a look. "Relax, I do this to Veronica all the time." They have a pool at Erika's brother's fraternity and we get invited to hang out. I pick her up. "Put your feet in my hand." I tell her. She does it. I take her hands in one of mine. "Ready? One... two... three!" I pull her towards me and launch her to the other side of the pool. She comes up. "Jesus Christ. Veronica likes that?" She catches her breath. "You didn't like it?" She shrugs. "Come here." I laugh. I put my hands back on her hips. "You know, this past year, I've really missed you guys." She says. "I have too." I nod. "I'm glad we get to hang out this summer." She smiles. I can see that she looks like she's about to try and kiss me. "Ready?" She has a startled face before nodding. I get her in position and throw her again.

She's coming back when Veronica comes outside with James. "James!" Heather climbs out and hugs him. "Hey." He kisses her. "What took you so long?" I ask Veronica. "We were catching up." She says. She stands above me. I hold my arms out. She jumps and I catch her. "So how is life going at Michigan?" James thinks for a moment, "It's good. It's very cold though." Veronica laughs, "I bet it is."

Veronica's POV

We spend the rest of the day just relaxing. I check the time. "Oh. I forgot I told my dad I would meet him for dinner. I have to go to the house, shower, get dressed." I start to get a little panicked. "Oh, just shower here and wear something from my closet." Heather tells me. I nod and run inside. I hop in the shower as fast as possible.

In Heather's closet, it's mainly yellow and light shades of red. I take a longer red dress and put it on. I'd never been a fan of red but this was actually a really pretty dress.

I come downstairs where JD, Heather, and James are sitting at the table. "Aww you look so cute! Please keep that dress." Heather says. "Oh no. I-" Heather stops me. "Please keep it. It looks better on you anyways." She insists. "Do you want me to drop you off or do you want to stay here?" I ask JD. "I'll stay here. You go have fun." He stands and kisses my forehead. "Love you. Bye guys!" I go to my car and get in.


After Veronica leaves, we're left in silence at the table. "So do you guys want to watch a movie?" Heather asks. "Sure." James and I both say. She puts on a horror movie that we all agreed upon. Heather sits the couch between us on the couch. At one point, James goes to the bathroom, leaving us alone. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. It was inappropriate, I know." She says. "It's okay. Let's forget about it." I continue to look at the movie.

Later on, Veronica comes to pick me up. I hug Heather and say goodbye to James before getting in the car. "How was dinner?" I ask. "Good. How was Heather's." She replies. "Good."

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