You Don't Know Me

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February 2, 1991

Veronica's POV

I still can't stop thinking about what Heather said in my dream. What real reason could Heather have had for killing her? The one she gave me made a lot of sense as it is. I guess I'll have to ask her next time I visit. For now, I'm busy with my journalism class. We're supposed to interview a student about their life. I don't want to ask JD since it won't be a challenge and I know I need to challenge myself. And since Erika is my roommate, that's also not a challenge. So now I find myself at JD and Kyle's dorm room. "Veronica, hey." Kyle opens the door. "Hey Kyle." I smile, holding my notepad. " JD's not here right now." He informs me. "I know. I wanted to talk to you." I tap my pen against the pad. "Why?" He looks confused. "I'm doing an assignment and I need to interview a student." I tell him. "Well why didn't you ask JD?" He asks. "I needed more of challenge." I shrug.

We sit on his bed as I ask questions. I get through all the questions I need and then I think of a personal one. "So you and Erika haven't been hanging out much. You guys okay?" I ask. "We uh... we broke up." He looks down. "What?" I'm shocked. "Yeah, we had a fight while JD was picking you up from the airport. Then we decided to just be friends." He sighs. "I'm sorry." I frown. "Listen if you ever need to talk and JD's not around, you can always talk to me." I pat his knee. "You're such a good person." He says. "Thanks." I smile. He looks at me and leans forward. My brain stops working the minute his lips touch mine. I pull away, trying to use words like a normal person. "What. The. Hell?" We turn to see JD at the door, steam practically pouring out of his ears. "JD." Kyle springs up. "That was not meant to happ-" He starts. "Kyle, could you go into the hallway for a minute?" JD glares at me as he directs Kyle. Kyle lowers his head and obeys.

After Kyle leaves, JD is pacing around the room. "JD, calm down." I try to make him stop pacing but I can't. "Why were you even here? You knew I'd be in class." He was fuming. "I needed someone to help me with an assignment." I say. "Yeah, sure you were. What class were you doing?" He crosses his arms. "I was interviewing him and then he just kissed me." I explain. "You didn't seem very shocked." He argues. "I was processing it!" I argue back. "Get out." He says quietly. "Wait." I try to touch him but he pulls away. "Get out!" He yells. "Fine! I see how much you really trust me." I storm out.

Kyle is waiting outside. "Veronica, I'm so sorry. Everything with Erika's just made me overwhelmed, and I just..." He takes a breath. "It's fine. You help bring out his true nature." I start walking. "So you guys are done?" He follows. "I'm done with him." I clench my teeth. "This is my fault." I turn around. I slam my lips onto his. "See you later, Ky." I smile. I go to my dorm and lay down. There's a letter on my desk. I open it to find a letter from my mother. I don't even bother reading it. I rip it up and put the pieces in an envelope. I copy the return address from hers and I go down to the mail room.

Once I get back to my dorm, Erika's inside. "Hey." She smiles. I stop, realizing that I just kissed her ex less than a half hour ago. "Hey." I brush that off, as it didn't really mean anything. Or... did it? I don't know. He's good looking and a great guy but... Oh my God! Do I like Kyle? No! What's wrong with me?

The next day, JD runs up to me as I leave my room. "What, Jason?" I stop. "Veronica, I've known you for over a year. I'm sorry I didn't believe you." He tried to take my hand. "No. You don't know me the way I do. And I know I wouldn't, but you think otherwise. I'm done with you." I push him out of the way and head to class.

When I return, Kyle is waiting for me. "Hey, what's up?" I give him a friendly smile. "I'm just really confused why you kissed me." He nervously says. "I don't know either. I was mad and I just kissed you." I shrug. "Well do you like me or was it just nothing?" He asks. I kiss him. "How's that for answer?" He turns pale, "I don't know what that means." I shrug again, "I guess we'll have to figure it out." He glances at my lips and then back to my eyes. "Bye." I wave and go inside.

I lean against the door. Erika's gone so I lay down on the floor. "What am I doing?" I ask before closing my eyes. "I don't know, Veronica. But you're messing with Kyle and that's not okay." Heather crosses her arms. "What? I thought I got rid of you." I sit up. "You killed the evil part of me. Now I'm just the good part." She says. "I didn't think that you had a good part." Heather was never nice to me so I started to think she wasn't able to be nice. "Well I do. And again, you shouldn't be playing with Kyle's emotions just to get at JD." I sigh, because I know she's right. "I'm not." I lie. "Veronica, I'm in your head. I know that you're lying." I sigh, "I don't know how I feel about him. I love JD but I'm just so pissed at him. He couldn't trust me enough to handle that on my own. I'm sorry if I feel he has to pay." I rant. "But you're doing that at Kyle's expense. Not to mention Erika's. Since he is her ex." She says. She's right. I'm being a bitch to everyone.

I wake up and go find Kyle. JD answers the door when I knock. "Veronica, finally! I'm-" He tries to apologize. "Shut up, where's Kyle." I interrupt him. "In here." He opens the door. "Okay, now get out." I point outside. He sighs and does as I say. "Kyle? I'm sorry, I've been treating poorly. I was just so mad at JD for not trusting me that I used you." I sit beside him. "It's okay. I'm actually planning on trying to fix things with Erika." He says. "Really? I can help." I offer. "I'd love that!" He hugs me. "Now what about JD?" JD walks in as Kyle asks that. I look at him when I answer, "I'm still done with him." I get out and walk out, shoulder-checking him. I hear him sigh but I keep going.

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