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December 5, 1993

Veronica's POV

JD and I knock on Owen's door. He opens it, a little confused. "Happy birthday!" We say in unison. "Thanks." Owen laughs. "How does it feel to be twenty-two years old." I smile. "It feels the same as twenty-one." He shrugs. "I guess that makes sense." JD says. "Well get ready." I say. "It's ten in the morning. Where are we going?" He groans. "Breakfast. I already told Will. He's meeting us at the park." I tell him. "Fine. Let me get dressed." Owen yawns and closes his door.

After Owen gets done, we lead him to the car. We don't blindfold him like I was. Will has a bouquet of flowers in his hands when we get to the park. Sam is sitting down on the picnic blanket. "You got me flowers?" Owen takes them, giving Will a kiss on the cheek. "Of course! Happy birthday!" We eat and then give him his presents. He has plans with his mom tonight, so we decided to do it in the morning.

Afterwards, we all hug him and let him go see his mom. JD and I chill around my dorm. "Hey, do you have any ideas for songs?" He asks. "I have something." I say. "Let me hear it." He sits up. "Okay." I go to the piano. "I only have the chorus and I'm open to suggestions." I tell him. "Just play it." He laughs.

"I say, oh
We're gonna let it show
We're gonna just let go of everything
Holding back our dreams
And try to make it come alive
Come on, let it shine so they can see
We were meant to be
Somebody, yeah
Somehow, someday, someway, somebody"

I look at JD. "I like it." He nods. "Thanks. I'm still working on it." I smile. "Well it's good." He joins me on the piano bench. "I'm glad you think so. I thought-" Erika interrupts us by walking in. Alyssa is behind her. "Hey!" I smile and stand up. "Guess who I heard on the radio again today!" Alyssa says as she hugs me. "No way! What song?" I ask. "I didn't really pay attention. I was too distracted by the fact it was your voice." She kisses me. "So what are you two doing?" Erika asks. "Veronica was playing me part of a song she wrote." JD tells her. "Ooh! Let us hear!" Erika jumped on her bed and grabbed her pillow, eager to listen. Alyssa sits on my bed, a similar expression of anticipation on her face. "Fine." I sit down and play the same thing I played for JD.

Erika and Alyssa cheer when I finish. "Thank you." I do a small bow. JD gets up, looking at him watch, "I gotta go. I'm going on a date with Eva." He says. "Okay, have fun." I hug him on his way out.


I pick Eva up for our date. "Hey." She kisses my cheek as she gets in. "You look nice." I tell her as I drive. "Thanks. You too." She adjusts her skirt. "So how's the band?" She asks. "It's good. We're still working on new songs." I say, turning on the radio. Some new song is on that I've heard almost every day since it came out. Eva quietly hums to it and stares out the window. The song fades out and I hear notes that sound familiar. I turn the volume up a little. It's our song "Bright." I smile slightly.

"Woah. Isn't this your song?" Eva asks. "It is." I nod. "I haven't heard this one on the radio before. That's exciting." She smirks. She turns it up a little more and hums along. We get to the movie theater after a few other songs play.

After the movie is over, I take her home and knock on Veronica's door. "Hey." She lets me in. "I heard 'Bright' on the radio." I say as I sit down. "Really? That's the first time, isn't it?" Veronica can't contain a smile. "Yeah." I walk in. "So you wanna hear more of the song?" She asks. "Of course I do!" I sit at the piano, waiting for her to join me.

That's all for this chapter. I apologize for its length. I ran out of inspiration. There's only a few more chapters until the book is over. I can confirm there will be a third book. It won't be nearly as long as this one though. I hope y'all are ready. Anyways, bye guys!

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