See I'm Crying

489 20 6

June 9, 1991

Veronica's POV

Heather smiles at the sight of me. "Hi!" She was clearly having a pretty good day. "Hey, you seem happy." I laugh. "No, I'm in prison." She pretends to gag. "But I'm just really glad to see you." She says. "Same to you." I smile back. "So how's summer?" She asks. "It's good. I'm spending time with my dad, Heather, and of course JD." I don't mention what I'm doing after this. "How is she?" Heather clearly misses Heather. "Good. Being her usual bubbly self." Heather chuckles, "Of course she is."

I come back from visiting Heather to see JD on the front porch. "Hey, you ready?" He walks over to me, "Hey. Yeah." I motion for him to get in the car. I stay quiet on the way. I'm actually really nervous about this meeting but I try to hide it.

We arrive at the apartment building, a very rundown looking building. "Wow. Imagining your mom in this place is kind of hard." JD says as we walk in. "I'm sure it's hard for her as well. She's spent most of her adult life spending another man's money. Now she has to use the little money she has." I search for my mother's name and press the buzzer. We're let up so we go.

I hesitate at the door. "It's okay," JD reassures me. I smile and knock. My mother answers the door. "Veronica." She greets before seeing JD. "JT." She coldly says. "Nice to see you too, Mrs. Sawyer." JD gives her a fake smile. "JT, I am sure you know that I am no longer a Sawyer. But what does it really matter?" She acts in a dramatic way. "Well come on in." She opens the door to let us in. The place isn't very decorated but knowing my mother, she probably thinks she'll meet another rich man and move in with him. "So why did you want us to visit?" I ask. "Well I wanted you to visit but I guess you had to bring your boyfriend along." She gives JD a look of disgust. JD just ignores her. "But I wanted to try and fix our relationship. I know I wasn't the best mother, b-" I scoff, "That's an understatement." She sighs, "Veronica, I am trying to be civil." I cross my arms. "I know that I haven't been a good mother, but I would like to fix that." For the first time ever, she gives me a somewhat caring look. "Didn't you tell me you didn't want me?" I ask. "I did but I-" I stop her. "Exactly. If you never wanted me, why the hell do you care? You only want to be civil now that you have nothing! Which I'll point out is your fault! Dad wouldn't have divorced you if you weren't such a bad mother and cold hearted bitch!" I yell. Now I'm starting to cry. JD puts an arm around my waist while she just stands there. "See, you're standing straight and tall and you see me crying. But you're not doing anything." I speak through the lump in my throat. "Veronica-" She comes towards me. "You never cared about me. So don't act like you do now." I spit. "JD, let's go." JD keeps his arm around while we leave. She calls after me as we go. Once we're in the car, I actually start crying. "I am so sorry, Ronnie." He rubs my shoulder.

At the house, I go straight upstairs and lay down in the bed. I basically cry myself to sleep.


I think of going up to comfort her but I know she needs to be alone. She never told me what her mom had said to her. It makes sense now. Frankly, her mom deserves to be where she is. And I hope she stays there.

My mom comes home. "Hey, honey. Where's Veronica?" She looks around. "Upstairs. She had a bad day." She frowns, "I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she's okay." She says. "She'll be okay. She just needs some space." I tell her. She nods and goes to the kitchen.

After a few hours, I go into the room. I climb into bed and lay beside her. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "No." She says quietly. "I'm sorry." I pull her close to me. "Thanks for checking in on me." She rolls over. "Of course." I kiss her cheek. I hold her for the rest of the night.

We wake up the next morning in the same position. She looks up at me with her big brown eyes. "Good morning." She yawns. We get up and get dressed. I drive us to the diner a few minutes away. I treat her to a nice breakfast. "Thanks for being such a good boyfriend." She holds my hand. "You're welcome, Ronnie."

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