Edge of Great (Part 3)

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September 23, 1992

Veronica's POV

I lie next to JD. "Good morning." JD yawns. "Good morning." I kiss him. "I should get ready for class." I stretch. "Ugh. I should too." He sits up. The sound of keys going into the door comes from outside. Erika comes in, stopping when she sees us. Then a smile creeps into her face. "Are you two back together?" She squeals. "Yes, now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for class." I hold the blanket around me as I grab new clothes and go to the bathroom to change.


"So... this is exciting!" Erika grins. "Yeah. I guess it is. Just don't make a big deal out of it." That would stress Veronica out. "Okay. But I'm still happy you guys are back together." She starts getting her stuff for class. As am I.

Veronica finished getting ready. "How do I look?" She pretends to model. "Well I should go get ready for my class. I'll see you at rehearsal later." I kiss her as I leave.

October 8, 1992

Veronica's POV

The dance is in two days. We had to do a few more rehearsals to get ready for it. Owen and Sam didn't seem to mind. "Okay. So I think "Perfect Harmony" is good. Let's work a little more on 'Finally Free.' I think we could work on that small duet towards the end." We added a part for JD and I. We thought it would be cool if we sang with drums playing quietly in the background. I have a mic stand that I share with JD during that part. Owen plays his drums for it, tapping on them lightly.

JD and I are very close to each other for the part. We were trying really hard not to laugh when we decided we were going to do it. I'd alternate between putting the mic in front of me, to putting it in front of JD. I was really proud of it when I came up with it.

"Hopefully these kids have taste. They better not boo us off the stage." Sam says as he takes a drink from his water. "Hopefully they don't recognize me. Since my mother teaches there, they have see me there a lot. And they don't like my mom so they don't like me." Owen sits behind the drums. "Why don't they like your mom?" JD asks. "Because she doesn't let them get away with everything. Most teachers at that school let the kids do very little work. My mom gives them more than two assignments a week." He rolls his eyes. "Well you're on drums. They probably won't even see you." I tell him. "I hope they don't. Those kids are assholes. But I doubt they'd do something like booing us off the stage. Nobody can deny your talent." He points at me and JD . "They'll behave if the principal tells them to. He is the only one those little shits are scared of." I can't help but laugh. "I'm sorry but they are. My mom is always stressed when I come home from school for the holidays. Summer is the highlight of her year because of them." He gets up and gets water from the fridge. "They are also so homophobic. Yelling slurs at me when they see me. They are why I don't want kids." He slumps into a chair. I had no idea that Owen is gay. That is a total surprise. Clearly I'm not the only one shocked. Both JD and Sam have faces of surprise. "What?" Owen sees our faces. "Did I not tell you I'm gay? I thought I mentioned it last week. When that girl came in here, Veronica was giving her a look that said 'you broke my heart.' Then I told you that we have something in common?" Was I really giving Alyssa a look? I heard Owen make that comment but I didn't realize that's what he meant. "I was unaware I gave her a look. So I didn't know you meant we both like people of the same sex. But it's cool that you're gay and I'm sorry those dicks said such terrible things." He puts up his hands, "I'm not mad. I just thought I told you."

"Well we accept you." Sam pats him on the back. "I think we should just get back to practicing. We have a big day tomorrow." Owen sighs and goes back to the drums. Now I feel bad. "You're right." JD picks up his guitar.

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