Edge of Great (Part 4)

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August 13, 1993

Veronica's POV

I get to Harvard and check in. Of course Erika is in the room already. "Hey. How was your summer?" She hugs me. "It was good." I can't hide a smile. "I know that face. What happened?" She smirks. I don't say anything, I just start unpacking my stuff. "What happened?" She stands where I have to look at her. Then she gasps, "Veronica, are you dating someone? Who is it?" Oh how I missed how nosy Erika is. But I should tell her everything that happened. "Well as you know, Owen and Sam stayed at my house this summer. So we spent time with them, we did some shows. JD's mom is pregnant. I-" Erika stops me, "Oh my God, really? He's gonna be a big brother?" She squeals. "Yeah. She's due in December." I say. "Yay!" She sits on her bed, waiting for me to tell her more about my summer. "So this might sound like a bad thing, which it kind of is. I met this girl at a club and long story short, pictures of us got taken and put everywhere in town." I tell her. "Wait you got outed! I want names!" She jumps up. "It's fine. It worked out okay. I told my dad and JD's mom and they were accepting. And..." I'm not sure if she's going to be happy about Alyssa or disappointed with me. I never know what she's going to do. "What? Who did you start dating. What's his or her name?" She's on the edge of her seat. "Alyssa." Please don't be mad. "Oh my God! Finally!" I guess she's not mad. "Yeah. She came out to her mom in front of the whole town." Her mom was apparently a lot better about it once they were home.

"So are you guys doing long distance since Alyssa graduated already?" Erika asks. "I'm not really sure. She never quit her job at the agency. At least I don't think so." She could have quit without me knowing. But I feel like Miles would have said something. "So how are things with you and JD? Are you guys still good?" She starts to unpack her stuff. "Yeah. We're even closer now. When the pictures were spread, he was really supportive." I say. "Has he been talking to anyone?" She smirks. "No. The one night we went to a club, he sat with Owen all night. Speaking of Owen, JD surprised him by getting Will to fly out to see our show last week. Also, Will came out to his parents. So we can have triple dates." I tell her. "Aw! I'm so happy for him. How's Sam?" I feel like nobody ever asks about him. Which is sad because he's a really cool guy. He's funny and great to be around. "Good." I nod. "Cool."

August 16, 1993

JD and I walk into the studio. We're setting up for rehearsal when someone covers my eyes with their hands. "Hey." I turn around and it's Alyssa. "What are you doing here? I thought you were staying home since you graduated." I kiss her. "Well I like working here. And besides, I was a little scared to apply for a job at home because... yeah. So Miles had an extra room in his apartment that he's letting me stay in." She explain. "I get that. And I'm glad Miles did that for you." I say. "Yeah. But I also wanted to be around you." She smiles. I'm about to say something but Mr. Donovan comes in. "I'm glad you're back. Sit down. Alyssa, I think Miles needed you." He stands by the table as we sit.

"So did you do any shows this summer?" He asks. "Yes. We did two. One towards the beginning, one at the end. We did one at JD's house which had a pretty big turnout. Then we got to perform at this festival. I think almost the whole town showed up." I tell him. "Great. Well I have some really good news." He looks very proud of himself. "I talked to a record producer and he said if he's impressed by your next show, he's going to record your first album." Oh my God. Is he serious? This would be huge. "Wow! Seriously?" JD's jaw is dropped. "Dead serious. I'm trying to put your next show together. I might be able to get you a show at the theater downtown. Then I'll invite him, and we will see what happens." He leaves us.

"Oh my God. This is so awesome! What should the order of songs be on the album. Personally, I think 'Edge of Great' should be first. I'm not sure about the rest." I pace around the room. "Should we do any of your solos?" JD asks. "Yeah. Maybe we could do 'Wake Up' and 'To Have A Home.'" The latter was the first song I ever sang for someone else, I think it should be on the album. "So we're not putting 'Ours' or 'Unruly Heart' on that list?" Owen leans back in his chair. "I don't think they would want 'Unruly Heart' on there. We only got to perform that because we were in charge of our song selection this summer. As for 'Ours,' I guess we could add it." I shrug. "So we have nine songs. That sounds good." I get water from the fridge.

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