Thank Heaven For Christmas (Part 2)

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December 20, 1992

I see Heather walk into Beanie's. I hug her. "When did you get here?" She asks. "Last night." I tell her, sitting down. "So anything new happen?" I nod, "I probably should have said this a month ago, but JD and I got back together." She squeals, "Veronica! You definitely should've told me! How'd it happen?" She leans forward. "I wrote him a song." I drink my coffee. "I have to hear it!" She can't sit still now. "I'll play it if you come over tonight." I say. "Okay."

She comes over so I bring her up to the attic. I play "Perfect Harmony" for her. "I love it!" She smiles. "We even sang it at a school dance we did." I say. "Oh! So my dad was talking about his company's Christmas party. Apparently the singer they booked canceled. And he was wondering if you and JD could do it. But don't worry, they already have a band. So you don't have to stress over not having your band here." Awesome. We got a gig and I didn't have to do anything. Mr. Donovan said if we got any offers here, we didn't have to ask him first. Probably because he doesn't think we could get many promising offers in Sherwood, Ohio. And frankly he's not wrong. "Well tell Hank we'd love to. Does JD know?" I lean my arm against the piano. "Yeah. My dad told him this morning." Perfect.

December 21, 1992

Jill invited me to dinner, so I drive over there. "Hi, how is school?" Jill hugs me. "Good." JD comes out of the kitchen. "Hey." He kisses me. I look over at Jill and her jaw is dropped. "You're back tog-" She can't even finish her sentence. "Heather! Did you know?" She asks Heather as she also leaves the kitchen. "I did. Veronica told me yesterday." Heather rests her arm on JD's shoulder. "How long had it been?" Jill looks slightly devastated. "We've been together since September." I say. "What?" Jill yells, making Hank stick his head out of the kitchen. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing it's fine." She shoos him with her hand, tearing up a little. "I'm so happy for you guys." She hugs us both.

We eat dinner. Jill stares at us the entire time. After a while, James shows up. "Hey." Heather kisses his cheek. "Hey." That is the first time in a long time I've seen James smile at Heather in a genuine way. "Hey guys." He waves at us.

The four of us go on a walk. "So what are you doing tomorrow?" Heather asks. "I'm driving to Columbus to see Heather. I haven't seen her in over a year." I'm glad she got transferred, but it's sad I'm not able to see her as often. "Good. I'm sure she's pretty lonely." Heather says. I bet she is. Her parents haven't come to visit her since she's been there. I'm the only one who actually went regularly.

December 22, 1992

The next morning I get up and make the two hour drive to Columbus. Heather seems shocked when she sits down. "Hey! I didn't think you would come." She smiles. "Well it's been a year and I thought I was long over for a visit." I say. "So what's new?" I tell her everything. I even tell her about Alyssa. There aren't many people on my side, plus I don't care if random people I'll never see again hear. "I hate that fucking asshole." Heather rolls her eyes, referring to Henry. "Did you forgive him?" She asks. "No. I don't know if I'll be able to for a while. He did ruin the best thing that's happened to me in a long time." I realize what I just said. "Don't let JD hear you say that." Heather laughs. "So have you guys gotten in any fights since?" Not really. We've tried to talk to each other as little as possible because we're afraid to start something. It's not really effective and it'll start a fight eventually. We've resorted to the dumb concept of make-up sex. I'm not proud of it, but it's unfortunately become our reality. When Alyssa and I got into fights, we'd talk about it after. Now that I'm thinking about it, JD and I have never done that.

"Veronica?" Heather snaps me back to reality. I must have been in my thoughts for longer than a second. "Sorry. No we haven't fought." She doesn't seem to believe me. "We haven't. I just realized we've become the couple who ends fights with sex." She laughs, "I thought you were always like that." I scoff, "We were not like that in high school. I don't think we were." We probably were, I just didn't see the issue with it then. "I'm being ridiculous. We're fine, really. And it doesn't matter. Alyssa and I have no chance. I made sure of that." Because my emotions got in the way of my logic. But it shouldn't matter that I ruined that chance. I'm with JD. "You never know. I do have to say, that I kind of called it." She says. "Called what?" I raise an eyebrow. "That you were into girls. When we were in high school, I thought you were a full on lesbian. Then you started dating JD and so I thought I was wrong. But you proved me right in the end." So did everyone think this? "Then why didn't you say something?" I thought she was straight. I wouldn't have thought anything of it if she did ask. "I was with  Heather all the time. Besides I don't think you ever liked me so I doubt you would have told me even if you had known back then." That's fair. I only liked her after she went to jail. "I should probably go. It was really nice seeing you." I smile. "Nice seeing you too. Bye." I grab my purse and leave the prison.

When I get back home, JD is sitting on the porch. "I wouldn't be mad if you went inside. I'm pretty sure I gave you a key." I laugh. "Whatever. How was your visit with Heather?" He gives me a peck on the lips. "It was good. Apparently everyone knew I liked girls before I did." I sigh. "Well maybe people know their own." JD shrugs. "Well then what's your excuse?" He  pauses. "I'm kidding." I smirk.

We head upstairs and sing a few Christmas songs to prepare for tomorrow. "Hey, what's that expression your dad uses at Christmastime?" JD asks. "Thank heaven for Christmas." I don't know why. It sounds very old fashioned. My dad is very good at adapting to modern times, he just hasn't adapted his speech. "Well then... thank heaven for Christmas." JD smirks and kisses me. "Thank heaven for Christmas indeed, babe." I put my arms around his neck.

December 23, 1992

JD and I eat breakfast at Chester's. "I can't tell you how weird it is to live with Heather. She is so loud. I figured she would be based on how she acted in high school, but she is so loud at home. I feel so bad for her roommate. Or does she only do cheer routines at 1am at home?" I laugh and kiss him. When we stop, Alyssa is walking in with her mom, looking at the two of us. "Mom, are you sure you don't want to eat somewhere else?" I hear her say to her mother. "You said you loved this place!" Alyssa gives up and sits down with her mom.

"I don't understand how Hank did it. Every night for years! And apparently I'm the only one it annoys. My mom isn't even phased. Can I please sleep at your house tonight?" JD begs. "Fine. But what if I decided I wanted to try some cheer routines?" I joke. "I will take out the anger I can't take out on Heather, on you." He threatens. "Well it's a good thing you're so cute when you're angry." He rolls his eyes and kisses me. I hold his hand, "I'm excited for tonight. I'm also interested to see what a company Christmas party for a diamond company looks like." All I know is that those people make bank. "It's probably boring. We'll probably have to sing very slowly." JD does a slow swaying motion, a hand to his face as if he's holding a microphone. "You're so weird." I shake my head. "I know." He shrugs.

We walk through town, our interlocked hands are swinging at our sides. That's one of the advantages to being with JD as opposed to Alyssa. We can hold hands in public. Henry walks out of a shop, stopping when he sees us. He is most likely debating if it's a good idea to approach us. I let go of JD's hand and walk up to him. "Hey." I say. "So you two... I'm sorry if I'm the reason you and that girl aren't together." Henry sighs. "It's whatever. It was her choice. What do you want?" I cross my arms. "I just... wanted to say I'm sorry again." I stare at him, no response to that. "Well I should go." Henry walks away.

"Are you okay?" JD comes up behind me. "Yeah." I bite my lip. "What did he say?" He asks. "He just... apologized for what he did." It's still not enough. "Well we should get going." He leads me toward the direction of the car.

That night, at the building the party is at. "Hey! So all I ask is that you sing it a little slow. They don't want it to be to upbeat. But obviously don't sing it too slow." Hank tells us. JD can't help but smirk at the fact that he was right. I hit his arm lightly. "Okay. Thanks Hank." I give him a smile.

We spend the night singing various Christmas songs. The party honestly seems like a bore. If I was forced to attend this instead of being the entertainment, I'd fall asleep. Luckily, this is the one place in town I'm able to avoid Alyssa.

I'm ecstatic when we're allowed to leave. "That was so fucking boring." I flop onto JD's bed. "It really was." JD says. Then he stands up, peeking out the door. "Hello?" He calls out. There's no response. "Looks like we're alone. I don't know where everyone is." He sits down. "Heather might be with James. And I don't know where Jill and Hank are." I shrug. "I don't know either. That is weird for them not to be home. Especially since Christmas is in two days." His brows furrow. "Who knows." I sit up to kiss him. He grabs my hips and puts me on his lap, with me facing him. We kiss, and are about to go further. "Wait." I stop him. "What?" He looks at me, confused. "Maybe we shouldn't do this. What if someone comes home while we're in the middle?" I know all about that. It's hard to be naked with someone on their way to your room. It's stressful. "Nobody will be home any time soon." He assures me. I'm still hesitant. "You sure there isn't another reason?" I sigh, "I'm sorry. It's just... I realized that we've been using sex as a way to avoid facing problems. So doing this now just feels weird." I admit. "What?" He slightly tilts his head. "Every time we've gotten into a fight, we've solved it that way." I say. "Huh..." JD lifts me off him. I think he knows I'm right. "I just-" I don't know what to say now. "I'll go. I'll see you later." I leave.

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