Stupid With Love

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Veronica's POV

I wake up, feeling like crap. I look over at Erika to find her on the floor by her bed. "What're you doing?" I ask. "I fell out of bed and didn't feel like standing." She says. "Wow. You're that hungover, huh?" I laugh. She just nods. I climb out of bed and help her up. I help her get ready, while also getting ready myself. "I have a huge hole in my memory. What did I do last night?" Erika asks me. "Um... you made out with Kyle." I tell her. "I what?" She whips her head around. "Yeah, you both were pretty drunk." I try not to smile.

Erika and I part ways to go to class. Her to her drama class and me to my creative writing class. The class was just typical first day crap. I go straight to JD and Kyle's dorm. JD lets me in and I flop onto his bed. "Where's Kyle?" I ask, covering myself with his blanket. He points to the bathroom. I then notice the the sound of the shower running. "Erika was so hungover that she fell out of bed and just stayed on the floor." I say. "Does she remember...?" He trails off. "No. I had to tell her. She was pretty shocked." I smirk. "Kyle wasn't really that shocked." JD says. "Why not?" I sit up a little. "He said he always does crazy things when he's drunk."

Kyle comes out and sits on his bed. "Hey Veronica." He says, his voice sounding groggy. "Hey Kyle. You have fun last night?" I tease. "Evidently I did." He shrugs. "Well I should probably go see how Erika is." I take off the blankets. I kiss JD before I leave.

Outside the door, I can hear Erika singing. I go in and she stops almost immediately. "Hey." I close the door. "Hi." I put my bag down by my bed. "So where have you been?" Erika asks, slightly nervous. "At JD and Kyle's." I tell her. She sits down. "I don't know why you two are being so weird." I shake my head slowly. "I've always had a bad time with guys. I'm just so... stupid with love." She sighs. "I get it. I used to be the same way. But as I've told my friend from high school, you just have to find the right guy. And Kyle is one. JD wouldn't be friends with him otherwise." I sit beside her. "Thanks Veronica." She hugs me. She stands up with a sigh. "I'm gonna go talk to him." She announces. "You go girl." I high-five her.

Erika and I go down to JD and Kyle's. She knocks on the door. "Erika?" JD was tilts his head. "I need to talk to Kyle." She tells him. JD quickly lets her in. "I'll let you talk in private." JD trades spots with her and closes the door, leaving us outside.

We sit by the door while they talk. Finally, the door opens. Erika comes out. She grabs my arm and pulls me back to our dorm. "What happened?" I'm expecting her to say that they had gotten in a fight or something. "So we talked everything out. We're going to take things slow." She says. "Okay. That's good." I don't know if that's good. I'm assuming so. JD and I started dating only a day after meeting. "Yeah." She grins. "Well I'm happy for you." I put my hand on her shoulder.

I don't know if normal couples "take things slow" or whatever. Obviously JD and I aren't the most normal couple. But we've lasted this long. Who knows? Maybe I'm the one who's stupid with love.

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