Henry Returns! (Part 3)

489 24 16

May 29, 1991

Veronica's POV

Dear Diary,

My first summer as a college student is going pretty good. I've visited Heather twice, Heather has come over almost everyday, and JD and I have spent a lot of time together. Which I love.

The intimacy and privacy we've gotten to have with each other is great. Those are something we didn't really get at Harvard. I won't get into graphic detail because God knows who might read this one day and JD and I's sex life is not something I want out there.

But the real reason I've written an entry is because Henry showed up last night to Heather's house. She called me as soon as she left. And apparently he couldn't shut up about me. So I guess I have to pay the bigoted asshole a visit.



I knock on his door. "Hello?" A woman answers the door. "Hi, I'm looking for Henry." I try not to sound like I want to stab him. "Oh, he's staying with his aunt." The woman tells me. "Oh. Well thank you." I smile. I get back in the car and drive to the Chandler house. Heather's mother answers the door. "Oh, Veronica. I wasn't expecting you. How are you?" She acts like she didn't say all those horrible things about me while I was on trial. "Hi, is Henry here?" I try once again to avoid looking murderous. She invites me in and tells me to wait for Henry on the sofa. I forgot how high class the Heather's house was. My family may be rich, but this is a whole new level.

"Veronica, I wasn't expecting you to want to talk to me after you assaulted me in March." Henry stands across from me, distancing himself. "Oh shut up, you're fine. I only broke your nose." I scoff. "And you're lucky that's all I broke," I add. "Well what brings you here? Round two?" He leans against the wall. "No. I want to know why you were talking about me to Heather. She called me last night saying you wouldn't stop talking about me." Now I don't bother hiding my urge to kill him. "I was asking how you were." He's lying. "Oh please. Why would you care? Especially since I broke your nose last time I saw you." I stand but don't get closer to him. "Fine, I wanted to see what you were doing while you were here." He admits. "Why?" I ask. "Because I want to know if you're still visiting her." With the way he says it, I know he means Heather. "I am. Because I'm a forgiving person and I'm not a bigot like you." He laughs, "Oh I'm a bigot? Because I see her for what she is?" I roll my eyes, "And what is she? A girl that was sick of being bullied and retaliated."

"Would you like something to drink, Veronica?" Mrs Chandler stands in the doorway to the kitchen. "No, I'm fine. Thank you." She nods and goes back into the kitchen. "Do you like men or women, Veronica?" Henry asks. "Men." I answer. "Exactly. Because you are a woman, you like men." He tries to justify his views. "I like men because I'm straight. That's my personal preference. I don't speak for others. I don't speak for Heather. She likes women because that's the way she was made." I say. "Well enjoy that point of view when you and Heather are burning in Hell together." He sneers. I smirk, "Bye, Henry." I get up and leave.

"Hey, where were you?" JD asks. "Henry's." I roll my eyes at the thought of him. "What? Why?" His voice is full of concern. "Apparently he couldn't shut up about me so I went to sort it out. He just continued to spout his bigoted opinions so I left." I explain. "He's not a great person so I believe it." He shrugs. "Every time Henry returns into our lives, trouble always follows." I lean over the table. "Isn't that the truth." He laughs.

That night while we're watching TV, there's a knock at the door. I get up and answer it. When I open the door, Henry is there. "What do you want?" JD gets up and comes beside me. "What are you doing here? We don't want your crap." JD crosses his arms. "I'm here for Veronica, not you." Henry acts like the idea of him wanting to talk to JD is so crazy. "Just go." I assure him I'll be fine.

Henry comes in and I close the door behind him. "What?" I sound way too pissed off but I don't care. "Look I'm sorry. I still don't like her sexual preference and I'm still angry that she killed Heather, but I'm going to try to forgive her." He tells me. "Well I'm glad." I don't know what else to say to that. It's kind of sudden. "Well I guess I should get back to my aunt's house. I'll see you around, I guess." I nod. I let him out and watch him back out of the driveway.

"What did he want?" JD comes back in. "He told me he's going to try and forgive Heather." I sit down. "Yeah." He sits beside me. "Listen, I know you don't
like Heather but I appreciate you for not treating the way Henry is." I take his hand. "You're welcome. I'm trying to come around, but I'm glad she's becoming a better person in prison." He smiles. "You're amazing." I kiss him. He kisses back before responding, "Says the gay rights activist." I laugh.

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