We'll Go Camping (Part 3)

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July 3, 1991

Veronica's POV

Camp is already over halfway over. We are on yet another hike. Even I'm sick of them at this point. But this whole experience is probably a sign for me to exercise more. As we walk back to camp, we're all exhausted and want a nap. Hannah is walking with Brooke and Chloe, and Jeremy and Shane. She's really come out of her shell. She stopped sitting at the table with us yesterday. She isn't really talking to the group but she's with them and I'd say that's a huge step.

We take showers and eat dinner. George stands in front of the room and clears his voice loudly. "So as you know, tomorrow is the Fourth of July. And as usual we will do fireworks and have the first half of the day be wet recreation. Now after you are done eating, counselors will walk you back to the cabins and then counselors will gather on Ms Alyssa's porch for a mandatory meeting." He announces.

We drop off the kids and gather on the porch. "So as most of you know, minus our new team members, Fourth of July is a very tough day for the counselors and other staff members. Injury rates are higher on the Fourth than any other day. So I'm going to hand out a list of new rules we've placed to keep the kids safe. You are to read these to your kids before lights out." He gives us a clipboard.

After campfire, I take my girls to the cabin. "So before we go to sleep, I have to read some rules for tomorrow: 'No going farther than the flags on the lakes, no horseplay in the water, only two people in canoes and kayaks, and everyone must get out of the water when told. During fireworks you may not leave the designated area without an adult. During fireworks, please do not cross the barrier placed between you and the fireworks.'" I finish reading. "Pretty straight forward if you ask me." Lydia says. "I agree." Hannah mumbles. "Well with that done, get in bed." I tell them. There are some groans but they still do as I say.

During breakfast, a letter is dropped in front of me. "It's from Erika." I show JD. "Who's Erika?" Dan asks. "My roommate." I say. I open it and read it:

Dear Veronica,

I hope you're enjoying camp. I think it's really cool that you're a counselor for those kids. I hope you'll write to me and tell me all about your campers and the fun things you did! I haven't been to camp since I was thirteen so I don't really remember it all that well. But I'm sure those kids are better off with you as a counselor than I was when I was their age.

So everything here in Morago is great and it's good to be able to see my family. Grey and I get to hang out a lot more now that he's not spending his time in the frat house. This upcoming year is his senior year so it's our last year of parties.

Kyle and I are doing the long distance relationship and it's pretty hard. You and JD are so lucky. But we're doing good so there's no need to worry.

Well enjoy the rest of camp and I'll see you when school starts. Bye Veronica!



I smile at the letter. "Aw. I'm happy her and Kyle are still hanging in there." JD remarks as he reads the letter over my shoulder. "Me too."

The campers get into their swimsuits and go to the lake. Hannah sits beside me. "Why don't you go have fun?" I ask her. "Do you want to know why I'm not that social?" She says. I nod. "My mom is an alcoholic and she's always sad. My sister Lex and her boyfriend Ethan are basically the only ones who have ever cared about me. I've also always been made fun of in school because my sister is a dropout so I prefer to stay quiet." She explains. "Thanks for telling me. I'm sorry that's going on." I put my hand on her shoulder. "But it's okay." She sighs. "You can stay here if you want." I tell her.

Michael walks up to her. "Hey Hannah, do you want to go on a kayak with me?" Say yes, say yes. She smiles and nods. She gets up and goes with him. JD takes her place next to me. "Look at that." He says. "Yeah, she also just opened up to me." He gasps, "Look at you, Ronnie! I knew you'd do it." I scoff, "Shut up." I push him.

After the campers change back and have lunch, we go to the Gaga pit. This time we play cabin against cabin. Natalie versus Dan's cabin go first. Dan wins. Next is my cabin versus JD's. Annabeth and Percy know each other well so they're not scared to play dirty. Eventually, we finally beat JD's group. Obviously Alyssa's group beats Ryan's. Dan and I's group go head to head. Annabeth isn't giving up which helps us a lot. We win and now it's time to beat Alyssa. "You're going down, Veronica." She grins. "You wish." She hits the ball at me but I hit it at a girl named Bonnie. Bonnie sighs and climbs out. Nina hits it at Lydia but Lydia jumps out of the way. Brooke isn't paying attention so she's hit. "Oh well." She shrugs. I laugh at her. "Focus, Miss Veronica!" She yells.

Chloe as well as two on Alyssa's side get out. The bounce goes behind Emma, bounces, and hits her anyways. Now we're even again. I hit the ball and go for another of Alyssa's girls and somehow hit Alyssa. She climbs over the fence, shocked. Now it's me, Annabeth, Hannah, and Lydia against Nina and a girl named Gabriella. Nina hits it at Hannah but Lydia hits it to Annabeth who spikes it at Gabriella. I watch, impressed at their teamwork. Now it's just Nina. It doesn't take long before Lydia hits it at her and it smacks against her leg. We celebrate our victory all the way to dinner.

Soon it's time for fireworks. JD and I cuddle as we wait for the fireworks to start. Alyssa comes back from the mess hall with a bunch of ear muffs. She hands a pair to Hannah. "Here you go." Hannah thanks her. "You guys want some?" Alyssa asks us. "I'm fine." JD shakes his head. "I'll take some." She gives me one and moves on. JD gives me a look. "What? Loud noises stress me out." I defend myself.

The fireworks start and we watch. Hannah looks uncomfortable so I assume she doesn't like really loud sounds. She shows relief when it's all done. Everyone goes to bed without hesitation. I don't even have to tell the girls to stop talking and go to sleep.

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