I Hope You're Happy Now

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January 8, 1991

Veronica's POV

I'm laying on my bed when Erika comes in. "Hey, someone sent you a letter." She says, throwing it at me. It hits me and I wince. "Sorry." She apologizes. I look at the front and see my dad's name. I tear it open to read it.

Dear Veronica,

I hope you are doing alright at school. Make sure to say hello to your roommate and boyfriend for me. I hope all of you are well.

Well I have written this letter for a reason. And that is to tell you that your mother and I are getting a divorce. Your mother is not very happy about it but just as it was with you, I am not happy in the marriage. I stayed for your sake and nothing else. But now that you are off at college, I see no reason to continue to stay. Though since I paid for the house and everything in it, she is the one who is leaving. I do not think you will be too upset over this, but I figured you were the first person I should tell since we are your parents.

I hope you are having fun and doing well at college. Although I do wish you lived closer to me and your boyfriend's family.

Love you,

Victor Sawyer

I smile. I'm happy that he can finally leave my mother. And it also means she can experience poverty for a while. Or at least until she finds a rich widow or something. But all that matters is that my dad is happy. And I think that divorce is what will make him truly happy. I get some paper and write a reply.

Dear Dad,

I'm happy for you. I hope you're happy now. I'm proud that you felt ready to do that. I'm glad you are finally in a good place.

I'm going okay and so is JD. We all wish we could be closer to you guys. JD's mom sends us letters at least once a week saying how much she misses us.

Best of luck in court! I'm sure the judge will be good to you.



I get an envelope from my desk and get dressed. I take my letter down to the mail room. I put a stamp and his address on it.

Instead of going back to my dorm, I go to JD's. I knock on his door. He opens it. "Hey." He smiles. I come in and lay on his bed. "What's up?" He moves my legs so he can sit. Then he puts my legs over him. "My parents are getting a divorce." I say in a very nonchalant way. "What?" His eyes widen. "Why are you surprised. I knew it would happen eventually." I shrug. "I guess you're right. But is your dad going to be okay?" He asks. "Yeah. I'll fly down there and testify if I have to." If it comes to that, I will. "I'm sure it will be fine. Your mom doesn't really do much." He says. "Isn't that the truth." I laugh.

Kyle walks in. "Hi Veronica!" He smiles. He's dressed semi-nice. "Where're you off to?" JD asks in a parental way. "Oh... a date." He practically whispers. "With who?" I ask. "Erika." He mumbles. "Okay, have fun. Don't stay out too late." JD tells him. Kyle rolls his eyes and leaves. "You'd be such a good dad." I chuckle. "Well I think you would be a good mom." He says.

We fall asleep on his bed. But soon my dreams are haunted by someone I had hoped I wouldn't see again. "Hello Veronica." Chandler smirks. "What are you doing here?" I ask her. "You're dead." This had to be a dream. "Well I just wanted to shame you for becoming friends with that stupid murdering wannabe." She sighs in disappointment. "Well your death has been good for all of us." I retort. "Yeah. You're thriving. Look at you: You're being boring. In college." She sighs again. "Excuse me?" I raise my eyebrow. "Veronica, college is meant for parties. How many parties have you been to so far? One?" She asks. "Oh. Veronica," Heather laughs, "I would be taking you to so many parties if I were still alive." She shakes her head. "I wouldn't go near you if you were still alive." I scoff. "I guess that's true... so how's the life of a boring, former popular girl?" She asks. "Shut up, Heather." I tell her. "Why? Am I making you mad?" She keeps pushing. "Shut. Up!" I demand. "Am I making you so mad you could kill?" She grabs my arm. "I told you to shut up!" I push her and suddenly she's on the ground, beaten and bloody.

I wake up screaming. "What's wrong?" JD holds my shoulders. "I dreamt that I was visited by Heather Chandler and I accidentally killed her. And it was just like the way Heather Duke killed her." I explain. "Lay down." JD hold me as we lay down.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry it took me a minute to get this out. Life is weird and things change and relationships happen so... bye!

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