Part 19

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PoV: Shadow

"Help! I'm slipping!" Rouge had put Sonic between her breasts again.

"You're not slipping, my bra will catch you just fine," She was refusing to give him up to anyone.

"Rouge you can't just keep him like that, its immodest. Besides he's too young for that kind of behavior," Blaze had gotten involved. The fight went as usual.

"I can hold him home ever I want, besides," Rouge squeezed Sonic between her breast, "He likes it in there."

"He was just calling for help!" Blaze shouted.

"Because he was falling, not because he didn't like it," Rouge continued torturing Sonic until Blaze eventually confiscated him, "Hey!"

"Let him be," Blaze walked away with Sonic in her hands.

"You're too easy to tease~" Rouge played it off as if she hasn't lost the fight.

  Dispite all the work we were putting into rebuilding Rouge's house, none of them ever considered staying anywhere except for at my house. Sonic didn't seem to care at all that he wasn't going to be going home untile we figure out how to fix him.

  Why can't I get any of these idiots to leave?


"Hey Shadow," Sonic came up to me as i was reading in my bedroom. His fur was wet. Silver had him in the bath with him a while ago. The lazy brat couldn't even dry him off right.

"Who was in charge of drying you?" I picked him up and kept him on my lap for a moment. I didn't have any towels with me and the bathroom was still occupied.

"Silver is in the bathtub," Sonic answered. His was making my pants damp.

"Damn it," I pulled off my shirt.


"Shut up, this only happening once," I wrapped him up in my shirt and dried him off. I lit the candles besides my bed and set him there, "Say nothing."

  Sonic simply turned away and nodded. He eventually started looking round my room. He was quiet the enire time he was with me, allowing me to focus on my book. He looks warm enough. He's fine.
PoV: Sonic

  It was warm... his shirt was thicker than I thought it would be. Shadow was part hedgehog, does he hibernate when he gets too cold too?

  I could hardly focus on anything. Having Shadow's scent and body heat hugging me like this... He was never kind to me like this. I only knew his scent when we battled so is always had the faint scent of sweat and blood. This was my first time being so close to his natural scent for so long- No... I slept with him in bed the other night. It was warm and soothing, just like this.

  I couldn't describe his scent in any right way... It was soft, but not musky like in fights. It felt kind of refreshing... No, its somethig else. Something thats making my body feel warm, and calm....

"Huh?" I was brought out of my thoughts as Shadow's finger pushed its was between my back and the shirt, "Shadow?

"Good, you're warm and not freezing," he pulled his finger away and wraooed me up with the dry side of the shirt, making it even warmer.

  He was worried about me being cold? I could studdenly feel my heart slowly, yet loudly, beating in my chest. Why is... Shadow different now?

  Shadow let me sleep next to him.

  Shadow saved me from Eggman.

  Shadow bathes me.

  Shadow... gets worried about me...

  Shadow cares about me...

  I got up and walked over to him. He was back to his reading like before. I jumped onto the bed where he was laying down reading. I tried climbing onto him. Shadow grabbed me, I held on and looked at the nightstabd with the candle. Eh? It wasn't getting closer. I felt nothing but soft fur as Shadow put me down. I was wrapped in a sea of soft silky white fur and the soft feeling of breathing.

  Shadow never looked down at me, his eyes were glued to the pages of his book. He had but me on his chest while he was reading. What surpised me most was the feeling of his finger petting my head and back. He's petting... me...

  I curled up and got comfortable. It was as if i was being rocked with each breath he took. The soft yet firm way he was petting my fur was so soothing.  His fur was softer that any pillow I had been of. Since the muscles below his pelt weren't flexed, his chest itself was almost as soft as Rouge... I shouldn't be... thinking about them... It's rude....

  Shadow's scent was the final peice. Having the effects of his scent so close, my body was warmed to the perfect tempature, and I could hardly keeping my eyes open anymore.

"Rrr..rrr... rrr..." I had started purring while falling asleep...

"RRrrr..." For a moment I thought I heard a much deeper purring. That kind of... sounded like... Sha... dow... ... ...
PoV: Shadow

"RRrr..." I'm purring? I quickly stopped as I realized I had let myself purr in front of someone. I let my guard down, one of those idiots could of heard me. Did Sonic hear it? I quickly turned to look at the night stand. The hell?!

  Sonic wasnt there. I noticed a weught on my chest when I turned. Ifound Sonic sleep on my chest while petting him. He couldn't have cimbed onto me with out help...

  I groaned as I realized what I had done. Sonic had fallen asleep on me, and it was my own doing. I hadn't even noticed I'd done it. Pick him up and putting him where he wanted to go; it was becoming second nature to me. I hardly noticed when I picked him up and put him on the table at dinner. It wasn't till he thanked me that i had noticed I'd done it.

"I'm treating him like a pet..." I sighed, "As if this wasn't enough trouble already."

  I shifted a bit, pulled my hand away from him to turn the page. I froze for a moment as I couldn't find a good spot to rest my hand on the book. Not matter how I held the book, two hands wasn't comfortable in any way. Damn it, it's no good unless I use one hand.

  My right hand was becoming restless as I had it resting at my side. And... Sonic was stopped purring. For what ever reason, the fact that didnt have his small, insignificant rumbling on my chest infriated me. I gave in to the complete discomfort I felt and returned my hand to it's placement besides Sonic. It was only when I began peting him again that my entire body shifted and became comfortable. As if the action of petting his allowed me to sink back into absolute comfort. The breif moment I stopped led to unexplainable uncomfort that made my bed feel like stone.

  I hate this. I had to continue making him purr on order to stay comfortable. I hate this with every fiber of my being.


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