Part 25

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PoV: Sonic


"Shadow! Let's play- huh?" I stopped running towards him, it was so sudden. I could look right into his eyes. He covered me with a shirt, a normal shirt. I was back to my normal size again, "Shadow let's race! I can run again!"

"You don't need me anymore. You can take care of yourself now," he threw the dressed I wore when I was small int the trash and started walking away.

"Shadow wait, I thought we were finally friends!" I couldn't move, Amy was holding my hand with Tails and Knuckles. Eggman behind them laughing, "No wait! I need to be with Shadow."

  They didn't say anything, they kept me from chasing him.



"Ah!" I sat up. I was in Shadow's bed, right next to his hand. I'm still small... It was just a nightmare.

"Why are you up?" Shadow groaned and pulled me onto his chest, "Its the middle of the night, you know you get fussy when you don't sleep enough."

"I had a bad dream..." I slipped under his shirt and curled up in his fur, "Shadow... Are you going to make me leave?"

"What are you talking about? You're right here," I felt him start to pet me again.

"When I'm normal again... Are you going to go off and leave me behind?" I held onto his fur, I didn't want to leave.

"It will be different. You have your responsibility to battle Eggman, and your friendships. I'll alway be in the same place now that my own battles and obligations are over with," he was still petting me.

"So... I can visit when ever I want?" I felt much better hearing that.

"Yes, you can visit. But alone. I tolerate you, not your friends," his petting was starting to make me sleepy again.

"Thanks Shadow... I like... being your friend..."


"Shadow, can we have muffins for breakfast?" I asked as she brought me downstairs.

"I don't have muffins," he set me down on the counter.

"I know how to make them. I can teach you," I jumped off the counter and climbed up his arm.

"I don't really have flour or sugar," he grabbed a carton of eggs.

"But you have some right?" I looked up at him. He rolled his eyes before grabbing the only box of flour and sugar he had.

"You guys brought all my food over right? Then we should have everything, find the vanilla extract and baking soda. Then get those mushy bananas," I helped Shadow learn how to make muffins. They turned out perfectly.

"These aren't bad," he bit into one as he drank his coffee.

"Right? I like them al lot. I make them all the time," I pulled a peice of Shadow's muffin off for myself.

"All the time?" He looked at the small batch of six muffins, "And yours are probrably much better..."

"I can make you muffins when I'm normal again. I can make them any flavor you want," I took another piece of his muffin.

"Sounds good," he had almost finished his muffin.

"I can also make coffee cake," I took his last crumb and climbed down from his shoulder.

"Coffee cake?"

"Yeah. It's really good too," I felt so happy Shadow liked my baking.

"Then I'll have to try some once the antidote is done," he set down a small bottle cap of water.

"Can I have juice after?" I started sipping the water.

"Sure," Shadow set down some paper and crayons so I could draw while he cleaned.

  So long as I can play with Shadow, I don't care if I'm small forever.

PoV: Tails

"Test number 347," I tried a drop of this last antidote Eggman and I had come up with.

  We had been up all night working and finnally, we managed to reverse a shrunken apple to it's original size!

"We did it! Yes!" I tested the growth serum on several more apples to be sure. Before I told anyone I kept watch over them in case of any side effects, "Sonic can finally go back to normal."

"Ahem!" Eggman glared through his cage.

"You too, of course," I stored the serum in a safe spot for now. If no strange side effects occurred, I'd test it one more time on a bug, then it would be ready for Sonic.

  Sonic can finally go back to his normal life again.



If you haven't seen the announcement already, thus book is very close to it's end. I hope you guys enjoyed this adorable story.

See you soon~ 😚

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