Part 6

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PoV: Sonic

"It's still snowing," Rouge said as she looked out the window, "We should bring over the food from Sonic's house before it goes bad. Were running low on food here anyway."

"Let me out... please..." I was still trapped between Rouge's breasts. She wouldn't let me out no matter how I begged.

"Rouge how long are you going to trap him there?" Silver asked.

"Hm?" Rouge looked down, "I forgot he was in there."

"Seriously!" Silver started laughing.

"Let me out..." I whined, "It's too hot, I sweating!"

"I'll keep you in here," Rouge scratched behind my ear.

"No~" I couldn't control my own purrs! I kept purring even though I didn't want to, "Nya!"

"You are just the cutest little thing!" Rouge pulled me out and kissed my cheek, "I could just eat you up."

"No!" I tried getting away.

"That's enough," Blaze grabbed me, "He hasn't had a second to eat or use the bathroom because of you," Blaze took me into the bathroom and put me down on the toilet seat, "There you go. Knock of the door when you're done."

"Thank you," I felt relieved, I was so hungry and I had been holding it for so long. I finished everything I needed to do in the bathroom, and I managed to climb my way up to the sink, "Now what..."

  I turned the job of the sink to turn on the water, "So now, I can do this."

  I grabbed a small peice from the bar of soap and climbed up the faucet. I could just reach the water by leaning. I scrubbed my hands with soap and reached down to rinse them.

"AH!" I flipped and fell into the sink. I was soaking wet, and landed of the stopper, "No! Nonono!"

  I tried pulling the stopper back up but I couldn't, I wasn't strong enough! The sink was starting to fill up!

"I have to get out!" I reached up to grab the sides of the sink but I kept slipping. My feet and hands couldn't get a grip, "Help! Some one! BLAZE! SILVER! ROUGE!"

  The water was up to my knees and rising!

"SHADOW!" I shouted, "HELP ME!!"

"You idiot," I heard Shadow's voice. The water stopped and the Stopper was pulled up, draining the water I was picked up and wrapped in a towel, "What were you even doing?"

"Shadow..." I started crying, "I... I just wanted... to wash my hands..."

"Stop crying faker, you look like a toddler when you cry," he took me out of the bathroom with him, "Hey dumbasses!"

"Excuse you!" Rouge snapped.

"Why did you leave Sonic alone in the bathroom? This idiot almost drowned himself in the sink," Shadow said.

"I told him to knock if he needed help," Blaze reached for me.

"This one doesn't know how to ask for help," Shadow handed me to her, "Stop leaving him unattended."

"It's cold," I was shivering.

"Let's get you in the bath to warm up," Blaze took me back to the bathroom. She filled a cup with steam water and put me inside after taking off the wet dress, "Better?"

"Its warm~" I purred.

"Good," Blaze turned on the sink and waited until was water was warm "okay," she took me out of the cup and put me under the running water.she dumped out the water and filled it up again. Then she started scrubbing me with Shampoo, "You like it?"

"Kinda..." I held onto her finger to make sure I didn't slip.

"Close your eyes," Blaze rinsed the shampoo off me. She repeated the process with conditioner, "There," she put me back in the cup of warm water and took me out to the living room, "Enjoy your bath."

"There goes my coffee mug," Rouge sighed, "Well I don't mind, it's being used more now."

"Sonic can take a bath anywhere, lucky," Silver poked my nose.

"Out," I held onto his finger so he'd take me out of the cup.

"Blaze, he want's out," Silver said.

"Hold on, his dress isn't dry yet," she was using a blow dryer on the dress to dry it off.

"Sorry Sonic, you have to wait," Silver pulled his finger away.

  Blaze finished drying the dress and pulled me out of the mug. She used the blow dryer on me next.when she brushed my fur down. She dressed me and I was free to run around again.

"Sonic, be careful not to run where people are walking," Blaze told me.

"Okay!" I decided I'd be safest under the table. I hung out under there for a bit to hid from Rouge. I got bored after a while, "Silver, play with me," I grabbed his ankle.

"Uh... What do I do with him?" Silver picked me up.

"Play with him," Blaze replied, "He's bored, so give him something to do."

"Sonic, come help me cook," Silver took me to the kitchen. He handed a knife and I dropped it.

"It's too heavy..." I looked up at him.

"Hm..." Silver looked around, "We don't really have a knife your size."

"I have an idea," Rouge snapped off part of an exact o' knife and taped it around two plastic squares. She handed it to me, "There, Sonic's knife."

"Its easy to hold!" I smiled, I could help cook now.

"Here," Silver cut a cucumber into strips, "Cut these into cubes okay."

"Okay," I started cutting them. Silver have me lots of things to help cut with.

  I hope I get big again soon. This is kinda emberassing, bit at least I'm not bored anymore.


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