Part 11

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       PoV: Sliver

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PoV: Sliver

  Shadow had been pissed off all day. We hadn't even done anything. Sonic had been quiet and I stayed out of Shadow's way.

"Silver, I'm hungry," Sonic pulled on my shirt.

"I know, we just have to wait for Shadow to finish making his coffee, then we can have breakfast," I held him close.

"He's so mean," Sonic whined, "I only wanted to be his friend..."

"I know Sonic, I know. Come on, I think I have some snacks in my bag," I walked him to my backpack. It was filled with the last things u could salvage from my house. We found a granola bar, it was perfect for Sonic to snack on until we got a turn in the kitchen.

  Living here with Shadow, it was a nightmare.

"I'm getting food," Sonic jumped off my bag.

"No, Sonic wait!" I tried to grab him. I used my powers to stop him and pulled him back to my hands.

  This is the most stress I've had since the ibis incident.
PoV: Shadow

  The noise they were making annoyed me. Silver had no control over Sonic what so ever. Sonic kept following us both around like a stupid puppy.

"Shadow, up," Sonic grabbed onto my leg.

"Get off me," I growled.

"But... Silver's in the bathroom..." he whined.

"These idiots are spoiling you," I picked him up by his scruff.

"I'm not spoiled," he pouted.

"Of course not, that why you didn't just beg me to pick you up for no reason," I put him down on the table.

"Wait, I can't get down by myself," he grabbed my hand.

"I don't care," I pulled my hand back, Sonic wasn't letting go. Now he was clinging to my glove, if he let go he'd go crashing to the floor.

"Shadow no... don't let me go..." his eyes were shut, and for the first time... I saw him trembling. This was what I always wanted, to see him weak and in fear. But now...

"Relax, I won't drop you," I held him in my left hand. He clung to my thumb until he calmed down.

"I'm tired..." he yawned.

"I'm not putting you to sleep. You can wait for Silver to come back," I walked to put him down in the box he had been sleeping in, but he had already fallen asleep in my palm, "You really are spoiled."

  I sat down with a book. I placed Sonic in my lap for now as I read in silence.


"Sonic? Shadow, have you seen Sonic?" Silver was out of the shower and already making noise.

"Quiet," I moved my book pit of the way, "You'll wake him."

"Shadow... you let him fall asleep on you," the Slive on Silvers face made him look dumber than he was.

"I didn't allow it. He asked me to help him reach something, then he fell asleep. If I move him hell wake up and be more annoying than before, so it's better to let him sleep."

"Sure," Silver replied with a sarcastic tone.

"Quiet. I'm in the middle of something," I continued reading and Silver left, finally.

  I sighed as I was finally alone, for the most part. I placed my hand on Sonic's back. He began to purr.

  Such a child. Why do I have to live with you...


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