Chapter 2: On the Run

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"Uh oh." I said worriedly. I stopped for a moment to look back, but was greeted by an angry shout from Tom who was still trailing behind me.

"Don't stop! Just keep running!" He shouted, and the shout was followed by large metal clanks which I knew were arrows assaulting his armor. I was hoping and praying he wouldn't get struck in the head with one of them, he doesn't have a helmet on. I sucked in a large breath and kept running beside of him, turning the corner that lead straight to the jail cell where Steve was located.

Finally the jail cell came into view. Steve was standing near the door, gripping the bars and peering out, probably wondering what the explosions were. His eyes landed on us and they lit up instantly. When we finally ran over, Tom immediately went into action. He quickly pulled out a stack of TNT from a bag he was carrying and a box of matches. Wow, he really came prepared for this.

"Syndy!" Steve exclaimed from the cell. "Ye came to get me!" A grin took over his features and Tom smiled a little, before setting his face back to stone cold and brave. I felt like giggling at his little act.

"Both of you get back! I have to blow it up!" Steve and I obeyed and backed away from Tom as he pulled out a match.

I watched as Tom placed down the TNT and lit them. Another explosion, I could see the arrows raining through the smoke.

We were caught.

"STEVE RUN!" Tom bellowed.

"AYE MATE!" I heard Steve yelled through the black clouds. I couldn't see anyone. Where were they?


And so I did. I ran through the clouds of smoke, towards the town bridge. I got half way across when I saw more smoke coming from a different house.

It was farmer Steve's house.

I looked back to see if anyone had followed me here. I saw Tucker and Sonja on the other side of the town, looking around at the remains of what was the main gate. I could probably see Sonja not going after Tom and Steve, but Tucker definitely would, being the bounty hunter of the town.

I started running again, but towards Steve's old house. It seemed to be where the smoke was coming from.

"Tom?!" I yelled into the black clouds.

I turned around to see if maybe they had run off into the distance, when I ran into someone.
Hello again! I'm glad you made it to chapter 2! Sorry these are so short, I'm trying to divide this into 4 or 3 different parts so I can have a whole book 😁
So thanks for the support and I'll see u in the next chapter, thanks!- Lee

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