Chapter 52: The Intervention.

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It had been an entire week without Sparklez, and I was completely miserable.

I stayed at Tucker's most of the time, trying to keep my mind off him. But he just kept creeping back into it.

The whole meth thing with Wag may have just been a simple trap to get me to lose the bet. I didn't make Tucker call Sparklez anymore, because I needed to focus away from him. Tucker taught me a bit about blood magic, and I still vowed to never ever try it. Slitting my wrist for points? Hell no.

I listened to music, I ate junk foods, I even tried to read a bit. It was a miserable failure, but hey I tried.
I couldn't do this any longer. I'd just have to give him two stacks of diamonds. I missed him so much.

It was Saturday night at midnight when I decided I was ready to lose the bet.

"Tucker...I think I'm ready to give up."

I heard him laugh from the kitchen.
"Well, you lasted longer than I thought you would. Let's go, he's probably at his tower thing."

I practically sprinted all the way there, excited to see him after so long.
He was definitely going to get tackled when I saw him.
When we reached his towers, I stared at them in awe. They we really cool. I could see why he wanted to live here.

We walked up to the front door, and I knocked seventy times on it.
There was never an answer.

"Uh, maybe he's at the tree?"

"No. He said he wasn't coming to the tree, since I lived there."

"Hm...Wags maybe?"

"God I hope not." I had a bad feeling in my stomach.

I ran all the way to Wags and pounded on the front door furiously.
No answer, not a single sound could be heard from his small house on the hill.
"Where is everyone?!" Tucker asked.

Just as he said that, we heard voices. Laughter and screams of excitement. They were coming from behind his house where a huge field laid.

I ran around the back of the house, and my stomach leaped at the sight of him.
But then it dropped as I realized what he was doing.
In the field were, Martha, Ianite, Wag, Jordan, and guard Tom. But they weren't talking or chatting, they were doing things that even the craziest of people wouldn't be seen doing.

My eyes had went to Wag first, who was trying to dig a hole. In the ground. With his bare hands.
He was laughing maniacally and his eyes were bloodshot.

Martha was dancing, to no music whatsoever. I'm not even sure if it was dancing, she was just flailing her arms and legs around in a manner that was sorta graceful. Her eyes were also bloodshot.

Sonja was jumping and reaching for the sky. I mean actually reaching for the freaking sky. Her eyes tinted red as she jumped and leaped at the clouds like a hungry animal.

Guard Tom looked clean. He was sitting on a log, taking in all that happening.

My eyes fell on Jordan. He was chasing Ianite around in full circles, each time he almost caught her she would scream and speed away from him. Her purple hair would slash against his face and he would laugh like a hyena each time it did. Both of their eyes were completely bloodshot.

"Oh my god. What has Wag done? They're all on meth..."

"Is this what's been occupying him all week? Drugs? My Sparklez is a drug addict..." I shook my had at the horrible thought.

"Come on, let's go take them home. I think I know the cure for drug addiction, a nice long intervention."

~2 hours later~

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