.:. Warning .:.

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I wrote this book when I was barely a teenager and in my eyes it is the cringiest thing I've ever written!

But some people really enjoy this book. Some people enjoy all my books and were really sad when I took a majority of them down. I think there are a lot of ideas and concepts in this book that were and still are problematic. I don't have time to rewrite it and make it less of a hot mess. If you're here for Mianite content, I hope you won't be disappointed! There's lots of it and there's lots of me making things up about it that sounded cool to me :,)

Anyway, I'm sorry for the period of time I took the books down. I know I said I would revise them but I haven't really got the time or motivation to do that. Maybe one day! In any case, I apologize for anything that may be perceived as harmful or ignorant in this book. I hope you can ignore what barely-teenage me wrote and appreciate some of my newer works instead.

Have a good read! And welcome back to the land of Mianite <3

- Lee

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