Chapter 76: Mot and Alyssa

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Jordan's p.o.v.

Whispers and shushing woke me up from my dreams, and my eyes opened slowly and tiredly to see what was up.

"So he has them often? Every night?" I heard guard Tom whisper.

"No, not every night. Just sometimes." Another voice whispered back.

"Is he okay? He seems very uncomfortable."

"I don't know...he hasn't had one of those in awhile."

"I feel bad for the captain..."

"Don't, he probably wouldn't want you to. He gets embarrassed easily," I heard the other person laugh.

I wanted to get up and see who was talking, but god was I tired. My eyes were fighting with eachother to open, but they finally just stayed shut. I was uncomfortable. The floor was hard and cold. I groaned as I tried to position myself in a more comfy spot.

"Is he waking up?"

"Looks like it. I hope he isn't having another nightmare."
I wished they'd stop talking about me. I felt weird. What time was it anyway? Night or day?

I could feel myself starting to fall into sleep again. I didn't really want to sleep. I was afraid after that horrifying nightmare that I'd get another one.

"Mr. Syndicate, should we wake him? It is almost morning." Oh, so it was guard Tom and my Tom.

"Yeah I should go ahead and do that. Go tell Steve to get everything packed up and we'll be up in a minute or two."

I heard footsteps hitting the cave floor. A hand went on my backside and shook me gently, I groaned in response.

"Come on Sparklez, wake up. It's time to go."

I didn't want to get up. So I did the only reasonable thing to do.


Tom laughed at my response. "Did you just say no to me?"


"I think you did, and you know you shouldn't have." His voice was threatening.

I messed up.

I felt fingers jab into the sides of my stomach. My eyes shot open instantly as a tingly and giddy feeling filled my stomach and chest.

"St-haha! Stop!" I laughed and tried to push Toms heavy body off of me. It was useless, he was practically straddling my hips as he pressed his fingers into my ribs.

"Nah, I'd rather tickle you until you piss yourself. But good suggestion." He smiled evilly and began to go higher up where my armpits were.

"N-no! Get-haha! Get off!" I tried to sound angry, but my sentence was just a loud mess of laughter.

"Shh, just take it. Just let it happen," he teased as he dug his fingers deeper into my armpits. I was laughing so hard that tears were starting form in my eyes. I was actually starting to feel like I was going to pee myself.

"T-Tom! I'm gonna- hahaha! I'm gonna p-pee!" I wriggled from his grasp, but he kept a strict hold on me.

"Then pee, Sparkley pants! I wanna see ya pee!" He laughed and tickled me harder, and tears were flowing down my cheeks from the amount of giddiness in my stomach and ribs.

"T-Tom! P-please!" I laughed. I didn't want to pee my pants, that would be so humiliating.

"Alright, I'll let ya go this time. Next time you say no to me you're gonna be pissing all over yourself." He removed his fingers from my sides and stood up from my hips. I was finally able to breathe properly and my laughter died down.

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