Chapter 38: Marriage Makes Me Cringe.

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~Help...I have done it again...~


~I have been here many times before~"


~hurt, myself again today, and the worst part is there's no one else to blame...~


~be my friend...hold me, wrap me up...I'm lonely, I'm falling...I am small...

~I'm needy...warm me up...breathe me...~

My eyes shot open from the images.

The horrible images.

I thought they were gone.
I thought everything was okay. he trying to contact me?

The dream...I couldn't exactly see what was happening...but I knew something or someone was hurting him.

I felt paralyzed in my bed. Tom was sound asleep beside me, I guess I hadn't screamed...I'm glad.
I don't want him to have to deal with anymore of this crap.

I slowly sat up from my bed and walked carefully to the bathroom.
The door creaked noisily as I creeped into the bathroom, but I don't think Tom heard it.

The mirror stood in front of me, I enclosed my hands around the sink as I stared at my expression.
Tired. And guilty.

Andor...I feel so selfish for forgetting him.

His screams were still sketched permanently in my mind.
I coughed and I tried to quietly muffle it so I wouldn't wake Tom. I think the sickness is starting to sink in. At the worst possible time too.

I ducked my head low. My shame felt as if it were hurtling down on me.
He's going through so much best friend...

He gave up his freedom and the only remaining respect of his father for me. For us. For Ianite.

"We will get him back Jordan...I promise you."

Her hand touched my shoulder as she stared at our reflections in the mirror.

Mine was astonishingly ugly, compared to her perfect complexion.

I wonder if she knew about Tom...

"Do you know about-?"

"Yes. And I have no problems whatsoever with this bond you share with him. Im glad you have found your path in love. I'm sorry, I was warding your dreams but I seemed to have let one slip by..."

"Please...can't you help him at all?..."

"I cannot. It's impossible for me to do, my powers are still weakened. Although...I can still feel his spirit. He is alive, but very...weak..."

I gripped the sink harder as tears began to prick at my eyes.

"I must go. He's coming, and he doesn't favor me well..."

I watched as her form vanished, like a wet painting being smeared by a hand.

The door to the bathroom creaked as Toms head poked out of the door.

"Sparklez, it's 2am...what are you doing up?" He asked in a scratchy voice.

My anger bubbled up inside me. I forgot Andor. I forgot what the king had done. What Al had done.
His screams lingered as I stared at my face, full of hatred for myself and many others.

It was too much.

I grabbed the large wax candle on the sink and busted the mirror with all the strength I could muster, my loud scream filling the air as the glass shattered to the sink, floor, and my arm.

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