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Credit to the drawing goes to: infinityfangirl (tumblr user)
She drew this awesome picture on tumblr, and it really inspired me to write this one shot up.
So my inspiration credit also goes to her!
Hope you enjoy!

Jordan's p.o.v

"I got you now...observation bot..."

I hid from behind the bushes from the floating goggles, who were examining my M.E. System with great curiosity.

I had the bottle of cloud in my hand, ready to throw it and capture the menacing bot. Maybe then, my friends wouldn't believe I was insane.

I saw the goggles move in closer towards my system, and my body tensed as they did.
I gripped the glass bottle tighter. I should throw it now.

I jumped from the bushes and threw the bottle of cloud at the purple glowing goggles, and the contents spreaded and clumped, trapping the goggles inside of them.

"Yes! Take that you stupid bot! Why don't you observe those clouds, huh?" I taunted like a child.

I could see the trapped goggles inside, staring at me.
But then I saw particles coming off of the bots form.

I began to see a body appear in the cloud, frozen in the blocks of it.
Whatever it was had drank an invisibility potion, because I could see the potion slowly wearing off.

What? Was a person impersonating a bot, just to mess with me?

I saw part of their face appear, and I immediately recognized it as Tom.

I rolled my eyes and crosses my arms. "Wow, I can't believe you would pull such a lame prank. Usually your pranks are worth being in, Tom."

But then more of the face started to appear, and I realized it wasn't Tom.
It was a man, same age as Tom and same face structure with brown eyes, staring back at me.
But he wasn't a zombie, half of his face was covered in...creeper spores?

He looked frantic, as if he couldn't breathe. I could see his eyes through the goggles, staring at me pleadingly.
Can he actually breathe in there?

Oh god, I was killing this person!

I ran back to the bushes I had been hiding in and grabbed my Steely Dan, then went back to the goggle dude. I dug the pick axe through the blocks of clouds, trying to free the man trapped in it.
I finally hit a spot in the white rock, it shattered and the guys face looked relieved as air hit it. He breathed in air like he'd never done it before in his life.

Although his face was free, I wasn't going to free any other part of him. He had been, after all, stalking me and watching me.

Once he calmed down, I began to question him.

It wasn't as calm as I wanted it to sound though.
"WHY ARE YOU STALKING ME?!" I yelled at his face.

"Woah! Calm down! I'm-I'm sorry, it's just a project I'm working on. I didn't mean to scare you!" He looked panicked as I walked closer towards him.

"What project?! My friends think I'm a lunatic because of you!" I shouted angrily.

"It's really hard to explain, can you please let me out of this contraption?" He tried to move his body, but it remained stuck.

"No. Not until you explain who you are and why you're doing this."

"Please, this is really painful. I know you are a man of forgiveness, just hear me out!"

"I am a man of forgiveness, but when someone mAKES ME QUESTION MY SANITY, I GET A LITTLE PEED!" I yelled at him.

He flinched at my words, which made me feel a little guilty, but I was still angry.

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