Chapter 42: Andor, An Angel With No Wings.

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"Oh-oh my g-god, ANDOR!" I crawled towards the cell and looked closer. It was him!

His breathing was hoarse as he looked to me. He was hunched over on the floor, his hands supporting his weight.

"How...long has it been?" His raspy voice asked. His eyes showed he was in immense pain.

"TOM! MARTHA! GUYS HES HERE!" I yelled towards the end of the hall.
I turned back to Andor. "It's okay, were gonna get you out of this horrible place! You're gonna be fine!"

I heard faint footsteps coming from the others as they neared me and Andor.

"It hurts..." He closed his eyes and gripped the bar he was holding tightly.

I reached my injured hand through the cell and held his. My stronger hand was supporting me.
He sighed shakily.
"It feels like it's been so long...since I've touched another human being..."

I heard loud footsteps behind me. Big thuds of heavy boots.

Andor's eyes widened at what was behind me. He sunk back into his cell, still gripping my hand tightly.

"How sweet, two friends uniting with each other. Don't worry, you'll have plenty to catch up when I lock you both in a cell for eternity."

Lieutenant Al, I thought I'd seen the last of him when he fled from the taint.

"Al please, don't hurt him..." Andor pleaded in a hoarse voice.

"Shut it Prince, your opinions no longer matter in this world," his dark voice thundered.
He raised his rapier, flashbacks of my old nightmares appeared in my mind, the blood soaked rapier.

But he disappeared as I saw a figure tackle him by the waist.

"Get off me you old man!" I heard Al shout.

"It's time ye get what's coming to ye Alister!"

Steve. He saved me.

"Stevie be careful!" I heard Martha exclaim.

I couldn't see what was happening. It was way too dark.

I heard grunts and metal hitting as Steve and Al wrestled, my friends footsteps coming closer and closer.

My breathing slowed for moment after nearly having a heart attack, I felt Andor draw closer towards the door.

"What's happening?" He asked frightened.

But I couldn't tell him, I couldn't see a thing.

Finally, I heard a odd slicing sound. A thud followed after.

"St-Steve?" Wag called.

"I'm here mate...I'm here."

I felt a warm liquid begin to soak my clothes. What was it? My hands got drenched as the liquid spread further.

I heard something being lit and saw Wags face as he lit his blue flame.

"Everyone okay?" He asked.

The flame grew brighter, and I could see what the liquid was on the floor.


Al's body was only 3 feet away from me, his head...gone.

The head was only a few centimeters from my side, blood pouring from it onto my clothes.

"Ugh...oh god..." I was covered in someone else's blood.

"Jordan? Are you okay?" I heard Andor ask, his hand still gripping mine.

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