Chapter 17: It's Too Late.

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The next day, I felt like a different person.
I acted like a different person.
I think I was actually becoming a different person.

I also think Tom was very worried about my persona changing.
When I woke up that morning I immediately put on my armor, soul bounded my weapons, and began to make plans.

My plan was to blow up parts of the town that showed significance of injustice. That included the courthouse, the kings throne, and the ships. I was done being peaceful and polite. I needed to now be rutheless and cruel, much like Tom was when he was angry.

"So what are you planning on doing?" He asked me while I was crafting the TnT.

"Blow up anything that's proved to be unjust. I might just even put down some taint blocks just to scare them even more."
I heard Toms phone ringing in his pocket and he pulled it out and answered it.

"Hello? Oh hey Sonja what's up?"
He face scrunched up in confusion and he began to shoot looks my way as I heard Sonja telling him something.

"Alright, we'll be right there."

"What's wrong?" I asked dreadfully.

"You have to come see this. I think our praying worked." He smiled deviously.

Sweet sweet revenge.

We began to walk towards Sonja's house when we saw Martha.
She was standing still staring at something in the horizon, she had tears in her eyes.

"Martha?" I asked confused.

We finally caught up to her and I saw what everyone was talking about.

It was at least 500 feet long and it stretched towards the town like an approaching storm.

It was a statue. It was of a woman, who seemed to have dragged herself from the ground and she was holding the one thing that symbolized my god.

The scales of justice.

Her hair was down covering her face and her one arm stretched out in front of her, the other by her side. But that wasn't all.

It was made completely of taint. I saw the taint swarms surrounding it, and the veins stretching out towards the town.

"It didn't have to be this way." I heard Martha sob.

"What do you mean? What did this?" Tom asked questioningly.

"Who do you think? Helgrind went too far. Now this beautiful town must pay for it all. I tried to warn you, the fighting would soon cause terrible things. I watched my poor nephew preach his heart out, begging his father to accept him, to love him as he is and believe there is another way of peace. My poor poor boy...all alone in his prison..." She wept with her hands covering her face.

"Wait Andor is your nephew? The king is your brother?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes. I guess you should know everything dearies. The secret couldn't last forever. Ianite...she is our mother."

Oh my god.

"Helgrind abandoned her when...his two beloveds passed. He has to understand, there was nothing more she could do. She cannot raise the dead." She sobbed.

I remembered Andor telling me once that his mother and sister had passed long ago. He never told me why.

"Who is...who is your father then?" Tom asked quietly.

"That is for another time Syndicate...but you will find out soon."

We heard a shout from the castle gates and looked to see the king pointing at Martha.

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