Chapter 39: Steves Capture and Sparklez's Sickness.

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At around six in the morning, I woke up to find that Sparkley pants was lying to me.
Allergies. He might as well have said he was lying, it was so obvious.
His coughing and hacking woke me up, and I turned over to him with a smirk on my face.

"How about them allergies huh?"

"Shut-" he had another coughing fit. His eyes were kinda swollen and he had a wet nose, he was definitely sick.

"Alright, lay back down. I'll go get medicine from Dec."

"There's no time, we have to go to the inertia today. I'll be fine, don't worry-" more coughing interrupted him.

"We'll make time. You're sick and you need medicine, that's that."

Our communicators beeped at the same time. Sparklez groaned and laid back down on the bed, pulling the covers over his head.

I picked mine up from the night stand and checked my messages.

'1 message from OMGitsfirefoxx'
"Missions been post phoned...bad news. Steve's been captured. Come to Ianites house for more info, were already there. I'm sorry Tom."

I felt like a truck going 90 miles an hour just hit me.

He's in the inertia.

He's gone.

"What did it say? Do we have to leave now?" Sparklez asked from underneath the blanket.

My temper began to rise.
"No good Mianite loving freaks, bunch of stupid idiots that have to get their way every freaking turn, I'll kill every last shit head in that place..."

Sparklez removed the covers from his face and looked to me.

"What? What's happened? Tom what's wrong?"

He sat up beside me and out a hand on my arm.

"They got Steve...why did I let him go..." Regret filled me. I let him go that day. I should have tried everything in my power to get him back. But I didnt.

He turned to his side of the bed and dug out his communicator from a drawer on a nearby shelf.
I watched as he checked the message, his face falling as he did.

"We'll get him back. We will." I assured myself.

Everything was gonna be fine.

But my mind couldn't help but list all of the possibilities of what's going to happen to Steve.

"Come on, let's go to Ianites house. We can get more information on what exactly happened."


I gripped Sparklez hand tighter as they read off Steve's letter. Any tighter, and I might break his hand, but I couldn't help it. Steve is like a dad to me, he took care of me when I was in need of help.

And they took him, like it was nothing.

Clipped off his wings, he had said in the letter. It must have been so painful...
As Wag read off the last part of the letter, Martha broke out into loud sobs. Ianite was trying to comfort her, holding her and brushing her hair lightly, but it didn't seem to help her.

"H-he was f-fine wh-when I l-left!" She sobbed into her mothers arms.

I felt like crying too. But I didn't, surprisingly. My mind was in more shock than sadness I guess.

"Tom?" Sparklez whispered to me. We were sitting on a small couch in Ianites living room. The others stood or sat on a random stool or chair.

"Y-yeah?" I whispered back.

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