Chapter 59: Im Sorry I Broke Your Nose.

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Toms p.o.v.

I had hit him. Why was he even coming near me anyway?! I was throwing the finishing punch to Tonys face, when he stepped in my way.

He was lying on the ground a few feet from Josh, who was still rolling around in pain. I smiled at the sight, but quickly frowned when I realized Sparklez was really hurt.

Wag had tried to press a piece of fabric to his nose to stop the bleeding, but Sparklez just cried in pain and pushed it away from him. Blood was flowing from his nose and covering his neck. I'd never seen so much blood come from a broken nose.

Nade had been a close second.

Everyone was attempting to stop the bleeding, but he just kept pushing them away. He tried to breathe once, and he started coughing and even more blood shot out from his nose.

What had I done?

I was just trying to teach the modesteps a lesson! I had almost won that fight if Sparklez hadn't got in the way.
What am I saying?! He's my boyfriend and I just hurt him! I shouldn't care about winning, I should care about him.

I pushed the others away from him and they stepped out of the way without hesitation.

I had earned major street cred from this fight.

"Sparklez sit up, they have to stop the bleeding. Come on, it's okay. It's just a little blood," I tried to soothe him with comforting words. I wrapped my arms around his waist and sat him up beside me, but he went limp when I tried to get him to stand.

"Tom it head hurts..." The sentence was more of a sob than a statement. Tears and blood mixed on his cheeks, making me wanna cuddle him up in my arms and hold him.

Wait. His head hurts? That's not normal. Oh my god I've really hurt him.

"Oh dear...sweetie that's not good. It's not supposed to hurt him that way," Martha squeaked worriedly.

"We ain't got a damn doctor! How are we supposed to tell if the lads dying or not?" Steve grumbled angrily.

"Wait, I think I know what's wrong. Let me see him," I heard Champwan say.

I felt him try to walk past me, but I shoved him aside.
"There's no way in hell I'm letting you around him. Your lucky I haven't killed you yet," I growled.

I felt a hand go on my shoulder and Tucker's voice come from behind me.
"Come on Tom, he worked with Dec a lot. He knows as much as a doctor would, let him check Sparklez. You need to calm down man. You almost killed Tony," he tried to persuade me.

I thought about it for a minute. I guess I should calm down a little.
"Fine..." I muttered. I let Champwan pass me and bend over Sparklez.

He touched the bridge of Sparklez nose gently, and Sparklez cried out again. I clenched my fist and kept myself glued to my spot. He was helping him. He's just helping him.

"You broke his nose...but instead of the bone going to the side, it went straight up. The bone is sticking into his um...his nerves. If it had been pressed back any further, it probably would have seriously injured his brain. If you will allow me...I can remove the bone and replace it back in its original spot. I can't do it if you won't let me though..."

"I don't want you even near him, let alone cutting him up. I'm sure he'll be fine..." Although I didn't really believe my statement.

Sparklez moaned in pain again, and guilt flooded through me.

"Tom, let champ fix him. It was me who started this whole crazy fight anyway...Champ didn't do anything," Tony stood a safe distance away from me. Ianite stood in front of him. She was trying to keep me away from him.

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