Chapter 62: Revenge is Not Sweet.

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Jordan's p.o.v.

By nightfall, guard Tom still hadn't come back yet.
And I was getting extremely worried that maybe he'd done something to himself, but why would he? He was a strong and peaceful dude, he wouldn't do that stuff...

I sat by the double doors of the tower and continued to wait. I'd been sitting there for a few hours.
I couldn't help but worry about him. He was one of my best friends, how could I not?

My communicator beeped and I held it up to answer the call. It was from...Nade? Why was Nade calling me?

I pressed the answer button, and Nades frantic voice answered.
"Dude, get down to Tucker's place now, there's like a million bots over here trying to kill us! I don't even know where they came from! They just started coming up outta the ground and attacking us! Tom won't answer my calls and he's not at his place, I don't even know where he is. Do you know? Don't answer that, just come here now! There's only couple of us!" The call ended and I jumped up immediately to get my armor and rapier. Bots? And they came out of the ground? Was Mianite trying to kill us?

I'd have to find both of the Toms later.


Wags p.o.v.

I couldn't keep up with this on slaughter much longer, it was too much.

As soon as I'd zap one bot, another would take its place. My friends had disappeared from my view, they too were trying to slay these resilient machines. My mana would run out shortly and I had no clue as to what I was going to do then.

I don't think I'd ever been so scared in all my life.

The bot I was currently fighting tried once more to penetrate its blade into my stomach, and I dodged at last moment. I did a star falling spell and the bot shattered into a million pieces, and another took its place.
But this time when I tried my spell, it refused to work. I was out of mana.

"Sonja! Tucker! Help me!" I shouted over the crowd of whirring bots coming towards me.

A blade grazed my face and I winced, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me away from the bot. I ran from the compound and managed to escape before a bot could slice me up. I couldn't fly in Tucker's compound, he had some sort of new force field that prevented intruders from flying.
This was the worst possible time for him to have done that.

"Wag!" Some one yelled my name. I turned my neck to the side and saw Jordan landing from his flight, a panicked expression on his face.

"Jordan, oh my goodness! You must come help, the others are still inside of the compound! I've run out of mana and I'm as good as useless, save them!" I tugged at his sleeve and began pulling him in the direction of the bits, when he stopped.

"I'll just fly over, stay out here okay? I'll try to find out where the others are."

"No! You can't fly inside, Tucker's put a spell on the place that keeps intruders from flying. You're going to have to walk in and fight them back."

"Okay, I think I can do that. Stay here, I called Ianite and told her to come help. She said she'd be here in a few, be careful until then. I'll be right back!" He strapped a bow over his shoulder and ran into the compound, the sound of whirring and beeps came from the doors as he opened and closed them back.

I sighed and tried to calm my breathing and heart rate. I hated situations like these, where I was completely vulnerable and useless.

"Leave me alone man! I told you I was sorry! Put the weapon down, there's no need to lose your shit about it!" I heard shouts in the distance.

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