Chapter 33: The Bloody Rose

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Jordan's P.o.v

The more I endured of this horror, the worse the horror had gotten. With each passing image my head hurt worse and worse, but somewhere down the line of watching my friends being slain by Mianite, and Toms body being hung like a trophy, a sense of comfort gave away.

It was brief.

But, in that fleeting moment I'd felt safe, as if nothing would hurt me again, like I could withstand whatever came next.

And then that moment was gone and the horrible imagery came back to fill me with such dread, but that comfort was still there, not in my head or my body.

But in my heart.

My heart held that comfort as tightly as it could hold. And as the nightmares and horror went on in me. My heart clung onto the comfort.

The comfort gave me strength to keep pressing on with these horrible horrible images.

I found my last was the worst of all.

Tom was running towards me, a cute smile on his face, he was holding something I couldn't make out clearly. I was opening my mouth to yell his name, but I had turned to stone.

A greyish figure was behind Tom, his beard white as snow, as well as his eyes, the blade in his hand had sparked with lightning and with me frozen in time, I watched as the blade was pulled back. And with a silent noise was thrown at Tom.

I couldn't scream. I couldn't move. I could only watch as the blade cut through the other side of Tom, blood erupting from his chest and mouth. Landing in his knees I watched in horror as he mouthed something to me. And my heart shattered finally making out what he had said.

'I love you Sparkley Pants.'

He fell forward, letting go of the bloodied rose he held.

I could only scream at that point, the one person I cared about gone. Gone. GONE!!!

And as the blackness consumed me I waited for it to take me to a place where I could die in peace, letting go of what I could cling on to...

Toms p.o.v.

I watched as his screams died down and his shaking ceased, I got up quickly from the chair I'd been sitting in. Originally, I was laying next to him, but he kicked me in the nuts at some point and I crawled away in agony.

Sitting next to him I held his hand tightly, when he finally focused his blue eyes on me, I gave him a smile, a small one, but it was still there.

"I was worried you'd never wake up man, you sounded like a wild banshee in here." I tried to make my humor light as I could make it, hoping he'd be okay, but I had my doubts.

He sat up slowly and I watched him, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. He reached out for me, as if to give me a hug, but his hands had grabbed my forearms in a rather tightly manner. He pulled me forward as he leaned in, and with this being so fast I had no time to register what was happening.

The next thing I know though, is that his lips were on mine.

Sparklez was kissing me.

Toms p.o.v.

"So um...are you hungry?" She asked.


"Are you thirsty? Cold? Hot?" I badgered him.

"I'm fine, thank you."

This was all the replies I could get from Sparklez all day. He refused to eat anything and he refused to go outside. Ianite had been trying to apologize all morning to him but each time she did he would just stare into the distance without saying a word. Needless to say, she was really really panicky. I guess she was afraid he hated her now.

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